In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
Bahan nasi Pilaf:
- 300 gr Beras bulir panjang/Basmati, ½ sm Garam
- 40 gr Mentega, 4 sm Minyak sayur, 1 Daun salam
- 1 st Jintan, 500-550 ml Kaldu ayam/-sayuran
- 1 st Kunyit bubuk*, ½ Bawang bombay-cincang
- 2 Bawang putih-cacah, ½ st Kayu manis bubuk
- 250 gr Sayuran (Jagung, Wortel, Buncis, dll)
Bahan ayam:
- 3 belahan Dada ayam, 6 sm Minyak sayur
Bahan perendam ayam: aduk semua hingga rata
- 1½ st Garam, 1 st Thyme, ¾ sm Air nipis
- 1 st Kunyit bubuk, ½ st Jintan bubuk
- 150 ml Susu, 1 st Cabai/Paprika asap bubuk
- 1 st Bawang putih bubuk, 1 st Lada bubuk
Cara membuat
- Lap ayam hingga kering. Iris tiap belahan dada ayam secara horizontal menjadi 2 belah dengan pisau tajam. Pastikan untuk menjaga posisi pisau tetap paralel terhadap talenan agar potongan fillet rata. Masukkan ke dalam mangkuk/kantung plastik lalu siram dengan bahan perendam ayam. Aduk hingga ayam tersaput rata dengan perendamnya. Tutup mangkuk atau rapatkan plastik & simpan di kulkas selama 1 jam.
- Sementara itu, masak nasi Pilaf. Panaskan minyak sayur di pan dalam dengan api sedang. Beri mentega & lelehkan. Tumis bawang bombay hingga layu. Beri beras, bawang putih & bumbu2. Masak & aduk diantaranya selama 3-4 menit. Tuangi kaldu. Aduk lalu tutup pan & masak. Setelah mendidih, aduk masuk sayuran (saya menggunakan jagung, bayam cincang, wortel & buncis). Tutup & kecilkan api ke paling kecil. Masak nasi hingga semua cairan terserap (20-25 menit). Cicipi nasi, jika masih agak mentah, tambahkan sedikit air & tutup lagi selama 5-10 menit (hingga nasi matang). Cicipi, matikan api & tutup pan selama 5-10 menit.
- Di pan/wajan, panaskan minyak sayur di atas api sedang. Keluarkan ayam dari saus perendam. Masak ayam di salah satu sisinya selama ± 4 menit (tergantung ketebalan ayam). Balik ayam & masak lagi selama 3-4 menit (sampai matang).
- Angkat dari pan & istirahatkan di piring saji selama 5 menit. Sajikan ayam dengan nasi Pilaf.
* Anda dapat mengganti kunyit bubuk dengan 0.625 gr Saffron (bumbu ini mahal ya). Giling saffron lalu campurkan dengan ½ cup air panas. Tuang ke pan dalam bersamaan dengan kaldu. Atau dapat juga tanpa menggunakan kunyit/saffron, nasi dibiarkan berwarna putih saja.
Rice Pilaf ingredients:
- 300 gr long grain Rice, 4 tbsp Vegetable oil
- 40 gr Butter, 500-550 ml Veggie/Chicken Broth
- 2 Garlic cloves-minced, ½ tbsp Salt, 1 Bay leaf
- 1 tsp ground Turmeric*, ½ an Onion-chopped
- 1 tsp Cumin, ½ tsp ground Cinnamon
- 250 gr Vegetables (Corn, Carrot, etc)
Chicken ingredients:
- 3 Chicken breast halves, 6 tbsp Vegetable oil
Chicken marinade: whisk to combine it well
- 1½ tsp Salt, 1 tsp Thyme, ¾ tbsp Lime juice
- 1 tsp Turmeric powder, ½ tsp ground Cumin
- 150 ml Milk, 1 tsp Cayenne/Smoked paprika
- 1 tsp Garlic powder, 1 tsp ground Pepper
- Pat the chicken breasts dry. With a sharp knife, cut each chicken breast horizontally into 2 fillets. Make sure to keep your knife parallel to the board to ensure the fillets are even. Put them in a bowl/plastic Zip-lock bag & then pour in the marinade. Toss until the chicken is evenly coated in the marinade. Cover the bowl/seal the plastic & refrigerate them for 1 hour.
- Meanwhile, cook the rice pilaf. Preheat vegetable oil in a deep skillet over medium heat. Add in butter & let it melt. Sauté the onion until it wilts. Put in the rice, garlic & other seasonings. Cook & stirring it in between for 3-4 minutes. Pour in the broth; stir to combine it well. Cover the skillet. After it starts to boil, stir in vegetables (I‘m using canned corn, chopped spinach, carrot & green beans). Cover & reduce the heat to the lowest. Cook until the liquid has all been absorbed (20-25 minutes). Taste the rice, if it‘s still a bit raw, you could add in some water & then cover; cook for 5-10 minutes (until the rice is tender). Taste, turn off the heat & cover it for 5-10 minutes.
- In a skillet, preheat the vegetable oil over medium heat. Remove chicken from the marinade. Cook the chicken on one side for ~ 4 minutes (depends on how thick your fillet is). Flip it over & cook for another 3-4 minutes (until cooked through).
- Remove from the pan & let it rest in serving plate for 5 minutes. Serve pan fried chicken breast with vegetable rice Pilaf.
* You could substitute it with 0.625 gr Saffron threads (more expensive herb). Grind saffron first & then add it to ½ cup of hot water. Pour it into the skillet together with the broth. Or you could just ommit using the turmeric or saffron, the rice will stay white.