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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Selai Srikaya (Kaya Jam/Coconut & Egg Spread)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 650 ml Santan kental, 3 Pandan-simpulkan, ½ tsp Garam
  • 300 gr Gula, 40 gr Gula jawa/Gula palem. ¼ st Vanili
  • 2 sm Susu kental manis, 3 Telur besar-kocok lepas


Cara membuat

  • Campur 500 ml santan, garam & vanili, sisihkan. Di dalam panci berdasar tebal, panaskan 100 gr gula dengan api sedang-besar. Aduk sesekali dengan sendok kayu sampai gula cair & berwarna kuning keemasan (± 5 menit). Tuangi 150 ml santan. Diamkan sejenak hingga larut (jangan langsung aduk-sangat lengket). Beri masukkan pandan, sisa gula & gula jawa. Aduk rata.
  • Tuang masuk campuran santan. Masak hingga gula larut semua & santan mendidih sambil terus diaduk. Setelah mendidih matikan api.
  • Secara bertahap, tuang 1 sendok sayur santan panas ke dalam telur sambil dikocok terus2an dengan whisk selagi menuangkannya agar telur tak menggumpal. Secara bertahap, tambahi 2-3 sendok sayur santan lagi sambil terus dikocok hingga semua tercampur rata & hilang busanya.
  • Tuang masuk campuran telur perlahan2 ke dalam panci sambil terus diaduk. Setelah tercampur, nyalakan api sedang-kecil. Masak sambil terus diaduk searah untuk mencegahnya hangus hingga cairan meletup2 & mulai mengental. Matikan api, masukkan susu kental manis lalu aduk lagi adonan hingga kental & uapnya hilang. Saring masuk selai ke mangkuk lalu buang pandan. Biarkan hingga dingin sempurna. Selai akan menjadi lebih kental setelah dingin.  Masukkan selai ke dalam wadah kedap udara & tutup. Selai dapat disimpan selama 1 minggu di suhu ruang & hingga 1-2 bulan bila disimpan di kulkas. Untuk ± 965 gr selai.



  • 650 ml Coconut cream, 300 gr Sugar, ½ st Salt
  • 40 gr Coconut/Palm sugar, ¼ tsp Vanilla extract
  • 3 large Eggs-beaten, 3 Pandan leaves-knotted
  • 2 tbsp Condensed milk



  • Combine 500 ml coconut cream, salt & vanilla; set it aside. In a thick bottom sauce pan, heat up 100 gr sugar over medium-high heat until it melts & turn golden brown (~ 5 minutes). Stir once in awhile with a wooden spoon. Pour in 150 ml of coconut cream to dilute the sugar, let it cook for awhile (don‘t stir, it‘s very sticky). Add in pandan leaves, the rest of sugar & coconut/palm sugar. Stir to combine.
  • Pour coconut mixture into the pot. Cook & stir continuously until the sugar dissolved & it boiled.  Turn off the heat.
  • Gradually add 1 laddle of the hot mixture into the egg. Using a whisk, keep on stirring the egg while you‘re pouring it to prevent the egg from curdling. Gradually add in 2-3 ladle of the mixture & keep stirring until it combine well with the eggs & the froath disappears.
  • Slowly pour the egg mixture into the pot; keep on stirring until it combined well. Turn on the heat over medium-low. Cook & continue stirring it in one direction (to prevent from burning on the bottom) until the liquid thickened. Turn off the heat & add in condensed milk. Stir mixture until it‘s thicker & the vapor evaporate. Strain the jam into a big bowl; dicard the pandan leaves. Leave it until completely cool. The jam will thicken upon cooling. Transfer the jam into jam bottles & cover. You can keep the jam for 1 week in room temperature, until 1-2 months in the fridge. You will get ~ 965 gr of jam.

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