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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Chicken & Egg Roll

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


Bahan isian:

  • 250 gr Daging paha ayam tanpa kulit, 50 gr Udang kupas
  • ½ st Bumbu ngohiong, 1 st Kecap asin, 1 st Minyak wijen
  • 1 st Saus tiram, 1 st Kaldu ayam bubuk, ½ st Lada bubuk
  • 1 sm Maizena, 2 Putih telur, 2 Bawang putih, 1 st Garam

Bahan kulit pembungkus:

  • 60 gr Terigu, 1 Telur, 100 ml Air, ¼ st Gula, ½ st Garam
  • 22 Kuning telur,  sm Mentega-cairkan


  • 1 st Terigu+3 st Air-aduk rata

Saus cocolan: aduk rata

  • 3 sm Mayonnaise+1 sm Saus sambal/Saus tomat

Bahan lain:

  • Minyak, Terigu secukupnya


Cara membuat

  • Kulit: Campur & aduk rata semua bahan kulit hingga halus. Ulasi pan datar anti lengket tipis2 saja dengan sedikit minyak. Saput dng kertas penyerap minyak untuk mengambil kelebihan minyaknya. Pasang api di kecil-sedang lalu tuang adonan secukupnya ke pan untuk membuat dadar tipis. Putar pan hingga permukaan pan tertutup. Masak hingga adonan set, tapi masih flexibel (jangan tunggu hingga kering & kaku). Angkat & ulangi prosedur untuk sisa adonan.
  • Isian: Pastikan daging ayam masih memiliki lemak & buang urat2 putihnya. Potong2 ayam. Di food processor, proses semua bahan isian hingga halus & tercampur rata.
  • Panaskan kukusan. Letakkan 1 lembar plastik biasa di permukaan kerja. Taruh selembar kulit pembungkus di atas plastik. Letakkan 2-4 sm adonan isi (tergantung besar kulit pembungkus) di dekat salah satu sisi kulit. Lipat kulit di sisi terdekat itu hingga menutupi adonan. Lipat kulit di sisi kiri & kanan adonan ke arah tengah (seperti melipat risoles/lumpia) lalu gulung adonan sambil dipadatkan dengan rapi hingga hampir mencapai ujung kulit satunya. Oles ujung kulit itu dengan bahan perekat, rapatkan gulungan kulit. Tutupkan plastik di atas gulungan, tekan & gerakkan maju mundur untuk memadatkan adonan. Setelah padat, keluarkan dari plastiknya. Bungkus gulungan adonan dengan aluminium foil. Ulangi prosedur untuk sisa adonan. Kukus selama 8-10 menit saja agar ayam tidak kering.
  • Keluarkan dari kukusan & biarkan hingga mendingin. Masukkan gulungan adonan ke freezer selama 1-2 jam (sampai setengah beku-memudahkan pemotongan). Bila membuat banyak, gulungan adonan ini dapat disimpan lama terbungkus di freezer. Keluarkan adonan & diamkan dulu sampai jadi setengah beku sebelum dipotong & digoreng nantinya.
  • Sementara itu panasan minyak yang cukup banyak di pan/wajan. Potong2 gulungan tersebut menyerong. Gulingkan potongan tersebut di terigu hingga tersaput tipis saja. Goreng egg roll hingga kuning kecokelatan. Egg roll dapat digoreng sampai kulit pembungkus kering atau masih agak empuk, itu tergantung selera anda. Angkat & tiriskan di kertas penyerap minyak. Sajikan bersama saus cocolan.



Filling ingredients:

  • 250 gr skinless Chicken thigh meat, 50 gr peeled Shrimps
  • 1 tsp Chicken broth powder, 1 tsp Oyster sauce, 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Dark soy sauce, ½ tsp 5-Spice powder, 2 Egg whites
  • ½ tsp ground Pepper, 2 Garlic cloves, 1 tbsp Corn starch
  • 1 tsp Sesame oil

Wrapper ingredients:

  • 60 gr Flour, 1 Egg, 2 Egg yolks, 100 ml Water, ½ tsp Salt
  • 2 tbsp Butter-melted, ¼ tsp Sugar


  • 1 tsp Flour+3 tsp Water-combined well

Dipping sauce: combine

  • 3 tbsp Mayonnaise+1 tbsp Chili sauce/Tomato sauce

Other ingredients:

  • Frying oil, enough Flour



  • Wrapper: Combine all of the wrapper ingredients until smooth without no lumps. Lightly brush a flat non-stick pan with some oil. Wipe it up with a paper towel to get rid of excess oil. Turn the heat to medium-low & then pour enough batter to make a thin wrapper. Swirl the pan around to distribute the batter evenly on the pan bottom side. Cook until the wrapper is set, but still pliable (don‘t cook until it dries). Remove from the pan & repeat the procedure for remaining batter.
  • Filling: Make sure the meat has some fat. Discard any hard connective tissue & then slice meat. Put all of the filling ingredients in a food processor & then process until it combine well & smooth.
  • Preheat a steamer. Put 1 sheet of plastic in your working space. Place 1 wrapper above the plastic. Place 2-4 tbsp of filling (depends how large is your wrapper) close to one corner of the wrapper. Fold the corner to cover filling. Fold over the left & right-facing corners to completely cover the filling (do it like you wrap a spring roll). Roll it neatly & press a bit to compact the batter until you almost reach the opposite corner. Brush that corner with the sealer. Continue the rolling to completely seal the end side. Fold up 1 side of the plastic to cover the roll. Press a bit & move the roll forward & backward to compact. Remove chicken egg roll from the plastik & then wrap it with an aluminium foil sheet. Repeat the procedure for the rest of batter & wrapper. Steam the chicken egg rolls for 8-10 minutes only so the meat won‘t get too dry.
  • Remove rolls from the steamer; let it cool down completely. Put rolls in the freezer for 1-2 hours (until it‘s half frozen-too make it easier when you cut it). If you make a lot of this chicken egg rolls, the rolls can store for quite a long time in the freezer. Just remove rolls from the freezer & let it thaw a bit on the counter before you could slice & fry it next time.
  • Meanwhile, heat some oil in a pan. Slice the rolls at angles. Lightly coat each slice in flour & then fry them until golden brown. You could fry until the wrapper dries or still a bit soft, it‘s up to your liking. Remove from the heat & drain in paper towels. Serve chicken egg rolls with the dipping sauce.

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