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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bika Ambon Tanpa Ragi (Simple Medan Style Honeycomb Cake)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 225 ml Santan kental, 7 Telur besar, 280-300 gr Gula
  • 75 ml Air kelapa1 Sereh-geprek, 2½ sm Baking powder
  • 10 Daun jeruk, 1 st Kulit jeruk parut, 2 Pandan-bundel
  • 60 gr Mentega-cairkan, 2 sm Terigu, ½ st Garam
  • ½ st Kunyit bubuk/pewarna kuning250 gr Tepung tapioka

Cara membuat
  • Didihkan & aduk santan, air kelapa, sereh, pandan & dn jeruk hingga aroma menyatu dng api kecil. Angkat, biarkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang. Buang sereh serta daun2an. Sementara itu, panaskan oven & loyang tulban/bercincin/bundt cake anti lengket ukuran 22 cm dng suhu 175° C. Tempatkan rak oven di posisi nomer 2 dari bawah (di posisi tengah bila oven pendek).
  • Kocok telur untuk menyatukan putih & kuningnya saja (jangan sampai berbusa). Tuang adonan santan ke dalam telur kocok. Aduk rata lalu sisihkan.
  • Campur semua tepung, gula, baking powder, kulit jeruk, kunyit bubuk/pewarna & garam. Tuang campuran telur ke dlmnya sedikit2 sambil diaduk dng whisk sampai bahan kering sebagian besar telah menyatu (jangan mengaduk > 3 menit). Saring adonan ke mangkuk lain. Aduk & tekan2 bila ada gumpalan adonan sewaktu menyaring dng spatula agar tidak ada gumpalan yg tersisa. Aduk masuk mentega cair sampai rata (sisakan sedikit mentega utk mengoles pan nanti).
  • Olesi loyang dengan sisa mentega. Tuang adonan ke dalamnya. Panggang selama 45-50 menit (sampai bagian atas kue kuning kecoklatan & tusuk gigi yg ditusukkan ditengah kue, bersih saat diangkat keluar). Matikan oven & buka pintunya sebagian. Biarkan loyang didalamnya selama 20 mnt. Keluarkan pan, ltkkan loyang terbalik di rak kawat sampai kuenya dingin seblm dikeluarkan.

  • 225 ml Coconut cream, 10 Kaffir lime leaves, ½ tsp Salt
  • ½ tsp Turmeric powder/Yellow food coloring, 2 tbsp Flour
  • 75 ml Coconut juice, 7 large Eggs, 280-300 gr Sugar
  • 2 Pandan leaves-knotted, 1 Lemongrass-bruised
  • 60 gr Butter-melted, 2½ tbsp Baking powder
  • 250 gr Tapioca flour, 1 tsp Lemon zest

  • Boil & stir constantly the coconut cream, coconut juice, lemongrass, pandan & lime leaves until the flavor blended over low heat. Remove from the heat; allow the cream to cool down completely. Discard lemongrass & all leaves. Meanwhile, preheat the oven & a nonstick 22 cm tube/bundt baking pan to 175° C. Position oven rack at the second shelf from the bottom.
  • Whisk eggs just to homogenize the whites & yolks (don`t beat it until foamy). Pour the coconut milk mixture into beaten eggs. Stir just to combine them well. Set aside.
  • In a bowl, mix all flours, sugar, bak.powder, lemon zest, turmeric & salt. Pour egg mixture little by little into the dry ingredients; stir with a whisk until the dry ingredients mostly dissolved (don’t stirring it longer than 3 min). Strain the batter through a sieve into another bowl. Stir & press remaining lumps on your sieve while you straining it with a spatula to ensure there is no lumps left. Stir in melted butter to combine (save some butter, just enough for greasing the baking pan).
  • Brush the inside of baking pan with remaining butter. Pour batter into the pan. Bake for 45-50 min (until the top of the cake becomes golden brown & a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean). Turn the oven off & open up the door partly. Let the pan stay inside for 20 min. Remove pan from the oven; flip the pan upside down into a wire rack & allow it to cool down completely.

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