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Monday, April 6, 2020

Balado Terong Isi (Indonesian Spicy Stuffed Eggplant)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 Terong besar, 150 gr Daging cincang, ½ st Gula
  • 1 Daun bawang & 1 Seledri-iris halus, Minyak
  • 1 Telur-kocok, ½ st Kaldu bubuk, ¼ st Pala bubuk
  • 1½ st Garam, 1 Jeruk limau, ½ st Lada bubuk
  • 3 Bawang merah & 1 Bawang putih-cincang
Balado: *
  • 4 Bawang merah-iris halus, ½ Tomat-iris2, Garam
  • 1 Bawang putih+3 Kemiri-haluskan, 3 Daun jeruk
  • 4 Cabai merah+½ Tomat-haluskan, ½ st Gula
  • 1 cm Lengkuas-geprek

Cara membuat
  • Belah terong memanjang jadi 2. Keruk & buang bagian tengahnya. Bakar terong di wajan/pan (tanpa minyak) sampai mulai layu, sisihkan.
  • Tumis bawang2 cincang. Mskkan daging, tumis hingga berubah warna. Angkat, aduk rata dng bumbu2, daun bawang & seledri. Masukkan adonan isi ke bagian tengah terong yg sdh dikeruk lalu padatkan isinya. Celup terong ke telur lalu goreng sampai matang.
  • Balado: Panaskan minyak dng api besar. Tumis dn jeruk, lengkuas, bumbu halus, bawang & tomat iris hingga wangi. Kclkan api, bumbui dng garam & gula.
  • Masukkan terong, aduk sampai tersaput sambal dng rata. Masak hingga mulai mengering. Kucuri dng air jeruk limau. Angkat.
  • * Dapat juga balado yang digunakan terbuat dari cabai hijau & tomat hijau. Rasanya lebih segar.

  • 1 big Eggplant, 150 gr ground Meat, 1 Egg-beat
  • 1 Green onion-sliced, ½ tsp ground Pepper, Oil
  • ½ tsp Sugar, 3 Shallots & 1 Garlic clove-chopped
  • 1 Kaffir lime, ½ tsp Broth powder, 1½ tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp ground Nutmeg, 1 stalk Celery leaves-sliced
Spicy relish ingredients: *
  • 4 Shallots & ½ Tomato-thinly sliced, ½ tsp Sugar
  • 4 Chilies+½ Tomato+1 Garlic clove+3 Candlenuts-grind
  • 1 cm Galangal-bruised, 3 Kaffir lime leaves, Salt

  • Halve the eggplant length-ways. Scoop out the inside center part of each halved eggplant to form it like a bowl. Roast/toast the eggplant (without oil) until it starts to wilt; set aside.
  • Sauté chopped shallots & garlic. Stir in the meat until the color change. Remove from the heat & mix it with other spices, green onion & celery leaves. Fill the meat into the eggplant center & then press it to compact. Dip eggplant in beaten egg & then fry until it cooked.
  • Spicy relish: Heat some oil over high heat. Sauté the ground spices, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, sliced shallots & tomato until fragrant. Reduce the heat to low; season with sugar & enough salt.
  • Put in filled eggplant; stir to cover it evenly with the spicy relish. Cook just until the spicy relish start to dries. Drizzle kaffir lime juice on top; remove from the heat.
  • * You could also make the balado from big green chilies & green tomato. The taste will be more refreshing.

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