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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tiramisu Charlotte (Eggless Charlotte Tiramisu)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 28-30 Kue Lady finger, 75 gr Gula halus, 1 st Coklat bubuk
  • 300 gr Keju Mascarpone, 200 gr Créme fraîche/Krim asam
  • 2 sm Liqueur Kopi (misal: Kahlua)-opsional
  • 150 ml Kopi espresso seduh-suhu ruang
  • 2 sm Coklat dark serut

Cara membuat
  • Kocok mascarpone, gula & liqueur sampai adonan halus berbentuk krim. Beri Créme fraîche/krim asam, kocok hingga menyatu saja, sisihkan.
  • Alasi loyang bongkar pasang bulat 16 cm (tinggi 8 cm) dng kertas perkamen. Gunting kertas ± 2 inchi lbh lebar dari dasar loyang. Pasang loyang, tekuk rapi sisa kertas kebagian bawah loyang. Potong salah satu ujung dari ± 17 kue lady finger hingga bila diberdirikan di dlm loyang, kue lebih tinggi 2-3 cm dari tinggi loyang. Simpan sisa2 potongan utk mengisi bagian dlm loyang. Coba susun kue2 yg sdh dipotong bersisian mengelilingi tepi dlm loyang dng rapat (jangan berjarak). Pangkas sisi tepi bbrp kue bila ruang yg tersedia utk kue terakhir kurang. Keluarkan kue2 tsb.
  • Ulasi dasar loyang pada tempat dimana kue akan diltkkan dng sedikit adonan krim agar kue lebih melekat. Susun kue dng rapi mengelilingi tepi dalam loyang dng rapat seperti semula dng sisi kue yg berlapis gula menghadap kearah loyang. Dengan kuas, ulas tipis2 bagian dalam kue sampai ½ tingginya dari bawah saja dng kopi. Celup selintas saja sisa kue lady finger & sisa2 potongan satu persatu di kopi (kue ini cepat menyerap kopi) persis seblm disusun. Susun 3 kue utuh yg sdh dicelup kopi di dasar loyang. Isi bagian2 diantara kue utuh & kue yg berdiri ditepi dng sisa2 potongan serapat mungkin. Tuang 1/3 bag. adonan krim di atasnya, ratakan permukaan. Ulangi prosedur penyusunan kue tsb 2 kali lagi dng sisa kue & krim (total jadi 3 lapisan). Bila loyang bong-pasnya pendek, buat 2 lapis saja (masing2 dilapis dng ½ bag. krim). Ratakan permukaan krim yg paling atas.
  • Tutup dng alu-foil & dinginkan kue di kulkas 6-7 jam. Keluarkan & diamkan di suhu ruang 1 jam seblm dihidangkan. Lepas bagian samping loyang, taburi atasnya dng coklat bbk & coklat serut.

  • 28-30 strips Lady finger, 200 gr Créme fraîche
  • 75 gr Sugar2 tbsp shaved dark Chocolate
  • 300 gr Mascarpone cheese, 1 tsp Cocoa powder
  • 150 ml Brewed espresso-room temperature
  • 2 tbsp Coffee liqueur-optional

  • Whip the mascarpone, sugar & liqueur until the mixture is smooth & creamy. Beat in crème fraîche until it well combined; set it aside.
  • Line a 16 cm round spring-form pan (height: 8 cm) with parchment paper. Give allowance of about 2 inches for the paper to hang over the bottom side of the pan. Set the pan; cut & fold the rest of parchment paper into the bottom side of the pan neatly. Cut off one end of ~ 17 strips lady finger until they are 2-3 cm higher than the spring-form pan. Save the tips you cut to fill up the tiramisu later. Try to line the lady finger strips neatly around the sides of the pan (don`t leave any gaps). If the lady finger strips can`t fit nicely, lightly scrape/trim away 3-4 strips of other lady finger in order to make some space. Remove lady finger strips from the pan.
  • Spread a bit of mascarpone mixture on the side where you will line the lady finger strips so they will stay in place. Line the lady finger strips neatly around the sides of the pan with the sugary side of the strips facing the pan. Brush slightly ½ lower parts of the strips with coffee. One at a time, slightly dip (don`t soak) the remaining lady finger strips & leftover pieces in the coffee. Place 3 strips of soaked lady finger on the bottom of spring-form. Fill in the gaps with soaked leftover pieces. Spoon over 1/3 parts of the mascarpone mixture & spread evenly. Place another 3 strips of soaked lady finger on top & cover with another 1/3 parts of mascarpone mixture. Repeat the procedure for the remaining lady finger & mascarpone mixture. If your spring-form is short, just make them into 2 layers (with ½ parts of the mascarpone filling after each lady finger strips). Smooth the top.
  • Cover with cling wrap & refrigerate for at least 6-7 hours. Let it rest at room temp for 1 hour before serving. Un-mould the tiramisu & then dust the top with cocoa powder. Decorate with shaved dark chocolate & serve.


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