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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tiramisu Strawberry (Strawberry Tiramisu)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 24 Kue Lady finger, 450 gr Strawberry, 60 gr Gula bubuk
  • 250 gr Krim kental, 120 ml Kopi espresso seduh-suhu ruang
  • 250 gr Keju Mascarpone, 1-1½ gr Coklat bubuk, 2 sm Rum
  • Coklat-serut, Kacang pistachio (opsional)
Cara membuat
  • Cuci & potong bagian atas strawberry. Iris ± 225 gr strawberry jadi 4, sisihkan. Blender 225 gr strawberry sisanya dengan 15 gr gula sampai lembut, sisihkan.
  • Kocok mascarpone, 100 gr krim kental, 30 gr gula & rum dng mixer kecepatan sedang sampai kental (1-1½ menit). Sisihkan.
  • Kocok 150 gr krim kental & 15 gr gula dng mixer kecepatan sedang selama 1 menit.
  • Penyusunan Tiramisu: Celup selintas saja 8 kue lady finger di kopi (kue ini akan cepat menyerap kopi). Susun bersisian kue yang sudah dicelup di loyang/piring saji besar. Ulas rapi atasnya dng ½ bagian dari campuran keju. Susun 5-6 irisan strawberry (yg kedua sisinya rata) diatas campuran keju. Beri selapis saus strawberry di atas irisan tsb dng sendok perlahan2. Ulangi prosedur pencelupan dng 8 kue lady finger berikutnya. Ltkkan di atas strawberry. Ulas atasnya dng sisa campuran keju. Ulang prosedur utk irisan & saus strawberry. Ltkkan lagi 8 kue lady finger yg sdh dicelup di atasnya. Ulas rata atasnya dng campuran krim kental. Taruh coklat bubuk di saringan halus & perlahan tepuk2 tepinya sambil dijalankan agar dpt menaburi bagian atas adonan krim dng rata. Hias dng irisan strawberry. Potong & ltkkan di piring saji individual. Tuang saus strawberry di sekitar tiramisu, taburi coklat serut & pistachio.
  • 450 gr Strawberries, 24 Ladyfinger cookies, 250 gr Heavy cream
  • 250 gr Mascarpone cheese, 2 tbsp Rum60 gr Powdered sugar
  • 120 ml Brewed espresso-room temperatureshaved Chocolate
  • 1-1½ gr unsweetened Cocoa powderPistachio (optional)
  • Wash & cut off the top side of strawberries. Slice 225 gr of strawberries into 4; set it aside. Put the other 225 gr strawberries & 15 gr sugar in a blender. Blend/process until the mixture smooth; set aside.
  • Beat mascarpone cheese, 100 gr heavy cream, 30 gr sugar & rum with an electric mixer on medium-high speed until it's thicken (1-1½ minutes). Set it aside.
  • Beat 150 gr heavy cream & 15 gr sugar with an electric mixer on medium-high speed for 1 minutes.
  • To assemble the Tiramisu: Slightly dip 8 lady finger strips in cold espresso (the cookies will quickly soak up the coffee). Arrange soaked lady finger strips side-by-side on a serving dish. Spread ½ part of the cheese mixture over the lady finger strips neatly. Place 5-6 sliced of strawberries (the one with flat surface on both sides) over the cheese mixture. Gently spoon a layer of the strawberry puree over the sliced strawberries. Repeat the dipping procedure with the next 8 lady finger strips. Put them on top of the sliced strawberry. Spread the remaining cheese mixture over the lady finger strips. Repeat the procedure with the sliced & pureed strawberries. Place the last 8 dipped lady finger strips on top. Spread the heavy cream mixture over the lady finger strips evenly. Put cocoa powder in a fine strainer & gently tap the strainers side to dust the cocoa evenly over the heavy cream. Garnish with sliced strawberries. Slice the tiramisu & put them in serving plates. Pour some pureed strawberry around the tiramisu; sprinkle with shaved chocolate & pistachio.

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