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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kue Klepon (Glutinous Rice Balls with Coconut Sugar)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr Tepung ketan putih, 2 sm Minyak, ½ st Ekstrak pandan
  • 125 ml Santan kental, 8 gr Pandan-iris2 besar, 110 ml Air
  • 100 gr Gula jawa-sisir, 1 st Garam
  • 1 Daun pandan+Air secukupnya
  • 120 gr Kelapa parut, ½ st Garam, 1 Daun pandan

Cara membuat
  • Pelapis: Campur kelapa parut dng garam. Beri 1 daun pandan, kukus selama ± 10 mnt. Angkat & sisihkan.
  • Blender halus 8 gr pandan dng 85 ml Air. Saring & ambil 75 ml airnya ke dlm mangkuk.
  • Hangatkan santan, kemudian tuang ke air pandan. Beri ekstrak pandan, minyak & garam. Aduk.
  • Mskkan larutan santan & 35 ml air ke dlm tepung ketan sedikit2 sambil diuleni hingga kalis. Ambil 2 st adonan, bulatkan kmd pipihkan di telapak tangan. Ltkkan gula jawa di tengah adonan. Rapatkan sisi2 tepi adonan hingga menutupi seluruh gula jawa dng rapat agar tidak bocor saat direbus. Bentuk menjadi bola2. Ulangi proses hingga adonan habis (akan dihasilkan ± 28-30 bh).
  • Didihkan air & 1 pandan di panci dalam. Mskkan bola2 secukupnya kedalam air mendidih (jangan terlalu banyak sekaligus). Masak sambil sesekali diaduk perlahan dng sendok kayu hingga bola2 mengapung. Angkat & tiriskan. Ulangi perebusan bola2 hingga habis.
  • Selagi masih hangat, guling2kan bola2 tsb perlahan di kelapa parut hingga kelapa menutupi permukaan kue dng rata. Saat klepon masih panas konsistensinya masih agak lembek, kue akan sedikit mengeras saat sudah mendingin. Hidangkan setelah klepon mencapai suhu ruang.

  • 125 ml thick Coconut milk, 250 gr White glutinous rice flour
  • 100 gr Coconut/Palm sugar-finely chopped, 110 ml Water
  • 1 tsp Salt2 tbsp Oil, 1 Pandan leaf+enough Water
  • ½ tsp Pandan Extract, 8 gr Pandan leaves-slice big
  • 120 gr grated Coconut, 1 Pandan leaf, ½ tsp Salt

  • Coating: Combine grated coconut with salt. Add in 1 pandan leaf. Steam for ~ 10 minutes. Set it aside.
  • In a food processor, finely grind 8 gr of pandan leaves & 85 ml of water. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve into a bowl. Save 75 ml of the pandan leaf juice.
  • Warm up the coconut milk. Pour the coconut milk into the pandan juice bowl; add in pandan extract, oil & salt. Stir well.
  • Pour the coconut milk mixture & 35 ml of water gradually into the glutinous rice flour while you knead it until the dough smooth. Take 2 tsp of the dough; round it & then flatten the ball in your palm into a circle. Place ~ ½ tsp of coconut sugar in the middle of the circle. Fold up the circle to cover the sugar & press edges together to seal completely (to avoid any leaking when you boil it). Round the dough. Repeat the procedure with remaining dough (makes ~ 28-30 balls).
  • Boil enough water & 1 pandan leaf in a deep pot. Drop some balls into boiling water; do not overcrowd the pot. Boil & gently stir occasionally with a wooden spoon until the balls float to the water surface. Remove the balls & drain. Repeat the procedure with remaining balls.
  • While the balls still warm, gently roll them in grated coconut to cover it evenly. The balls consistency will be a bit soft when they are still warm, but they will gets firmer after they cooled down. Serve at room temperature.
  • * When you eat the rice balls, don`t bite to cut the balls, because melted coconut sugar will burst & dirt your shirt/fingers. So put the whole ball into your mouth & then bite it slowly. 

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