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Monday, March 22, 2021

Mie Dan Dan (Dan Dan Noodles)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


Minyak Cabai Pedas Sichuan: (dapat beli jadi kalau ada)

  • 600 ml Minyak, 2 Daun bawang-potong 2, 1 st Cengkeh
  • 5 iris Jahe, 10 cm Kayu manis, 3 Kapulaga, 1 st Garam
  • 2 Daun salam, 3 Bawang putih tanpa kupas, 3 Pekak
  • 1½ tsp Lada Sichuan/Andaliman, ¼ cup Wijen
  • 1 cup Cabai kering giling kasar


  • 400 gr Daging babi (sapi/ayam) giling/cacah dng 50% lemak
  • 2 Bawang putih-cacah, 1 st Jahe cincang, 1 sm Minyak
  • ½ sm Saus Tianmian/Saus hoisin, st Saus soya
  • sm Arak masak/Dry sherry, Lada hitam

Pasta Wijen: (dapat beli jadi kalau ada)

  • ½ st Gula, sejumput Garam, 2 sm Minyak wijen
  • 2 st Biji wijen+1 genggam Kacang-sangrai

Bahan lain:

  • 2 Daun bawang-iris, Kacang cincang sangrai, Minyak
  • 6 Bawang putih-cacah, 1½-3 st Bubuk lada Sichuan
  • 6 sm Saus soya pekat, Baby pak choy/Sawi hijau
  • 6 porsi Mie telur, Air/Kaldu-untuk memasak mie
  • st Gula, 6 sm Cuka hitam Cina/Cuka Balsamic
  • 6 sm Sui mi ya cai *


Cara membuat

  • Minyak cabai pedas Sichuan: Sangrai lada Sichuan di pan selama 1-2 menit di api sedang sampai wangi (jangan hangus). Angkat dari pan, tumbuk dengan ulekan/grinder hingga menjadi bubuk tetapi tidak terlalu halus. Sisihkan. Tuang minyak di panci, beri jahe, daun bawang, kayu manis, bawang putih, kapulaga, cengkeh, pekak & daun salam. Masak di api kecil 3-5 menit atau sampai bumbu kecokelatan. Angkat dari api & biarkan selama ± 5 menit. Buang bumbu2 dari panci. Minyak harus panas (110-120° C) tapi tak panas sekali saat nanti anda mencampur dengan bahan lain, karena akan menghanguskan cabai. Sementara itu, campur lada sichuan tumbuk, cabai kering, wijen & garam di mangkuk tahan panas. Tuangi minyak panas secara bertahap & aduk untuk mencampur dengan rata. Biarkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang sebelum disimpan di wadah. Minyak cabai pedas akan tahan disimpan selama 4 bulan di suhu ruang, 1 tahun di kulkas.
  • Daging: Bila anda tidak bisa mendapatkan daging cincang/cacah dengan kandungan 50% lemak, gunakan daging cincang biasa (20% lemak), lalu tambahkan sedikit lemak & cacah kecil2. Lemak itu akan membuat perbedaan yang berarti dirasa. Panaskan minyak di pan dengan api besar, putarkan pan hingga minyak menyaput dasarnya. Tumis bawang putih & jahe hingga kekuningan. Masukkan daging & aduk hingga tak bergumpal. Masak hingga lemak mencair, dagingnya mengering & kuning kecokelatan. Aduk sering2. Tuangi arak, saus soya, saus Tianmian/hoisin & lada hitam secukupnya. Aduk hingga rasa menyatu. Cicipi & koreksi bumbu bila perlu. Angkat daging & sebagian minyak dari pan. Sisihkan.
  • Pasta Wijen: Blender semua bahan hingga halus lalu masukkan di mangkuk. Sisihkan.
  • Tumis bawang putih cacah sampai kekuningan, angkat & sisihkan. Masak mie selama beberapa menit di air/kaldu mendidih. Saat mie hampir matang, masukkan pak choy/sawi hijau. Seduh sayuran sebentar saja. Tiriskan semua dari airnya & sisihkan. Simpan air rebusan mie.
  • Penyajian (untuk setiap porsi): Di tiap mangkuk masukkan 2 st pasta wijen, 1-2 st minyak cabai pedas Sichuan, ¼ st gula, ¼-½ st bubuk lada Sichuan, 1 sm saus soya, 1 sm cuka hitam Cina & tumisan bawang putih. Tuang 1 sendok sayur air/kaldu bekas merebus mie ke mangkuk. Beri mie & sayuran. Atur 3 sm daging beserta minyaknya & 1 sm sui mi ya cai di atasnya. Taburi kacang cincang & irisan daun bawang. Sajikan mie Dan Dan, aduk semua sebelum dimakan. Untuk 6 porsi.
  • * Sui mi ya cai adalah sawi yg diawetkan. Anda dapat mengganti Sui mi ya cai dng Tong chai atau sayur asin. Anda dapat membuat resep ini dengan daging ayam/sapi-versi halal.



  • Sichuan Hot Chili Oil: (you could also using a store bought)
  • 600 ml Cooking oil, 2 Scallions-halved, 3 Cardamom pods
  • 5 slices of Ginger, 3 unpeeled Garlic cloves, 1 tsp Salt
  • 10 cm Cinnamon stick, 2 Bay leaves, 1 cup Chili flakes
  • 1½ tsp Sichuan peppercorn, 3 Star anise, 1 tsp Cloves
  • ¼ cup Sesame seeds

Ground Pork Sao Zi:

  • 400 gr 50% fat Ground pork (beef/chicken), Black pepper
  • ½ tbsp Sweet bean sauce/Hoisin sauce, 1½ tsp Soy sauce
  • 2 Garlic cloves-minced, 1 tsp minced Ginger, 1 tbsp Oil
  • 2½ tbsp Chinese cooking wine/Dry sherry

Sesame Paste: (using a store bought)

  • 2 tsp Sesame seeds+1 handful Peanut-toasted
  • ½ tsp Sugar, 2 tbsp Sesame oil, pinch of Salt

Other ingredients:

  • 1½-3 tsp Sichuan peppercorn powder, tsp Sugar, Oil
  • Baby bok choy/Mustard greens,Toasted crushed peanut
  • 6 portions Egg noodle, 2 Scallions-sliced, Water/Broth
  • 6 tbsp Sui mi ya cai/preserved mustard green *
  • 6 tbsp Chinese black vinegar/Balsamic vinegar
  • 6 Garlic cloves-minced, 6 tbsp Dark soy sauce



  • To cut off the cooking time, just buy the Sichuan hot chili oil in an asian store. For a homemade Sichuan hot chili oil: Toast Sichuan peppercorn in a pan for 1-2 minutes over medium heat until fragrant (don’t burn it). Remove from the pan & then grind it with a mortar & pestle/spice grinder to fine but still a little coarse powder. Set it aside. Put neutral flavour cooking oil in a pot, add in scallions, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, star anise & bay leaves. Cook it over low heat for 3-5 minutes, or until the spices charred. Remove from the heat & let it stand for ~ 5 minutes. Remove spices from the pot. The oil should be hot (110-120° C) but not too hot when you mix it with other ingredients, or else it would burn the chili. Meanwhile, in a heatproof bowl, combine Sichuan pepper powder, chili flakes, sesame seeds & salt. Pour in hot oil in a batch & stir to combine it well. Let it cooling down to room temperature before you put it in a jar. It will last 4 month in room temperature or 1 year in the fridge.
  • Pork sao zi: If you couldn’t find ground meat with 50% fat, just use a normal ground meat with 20% fat, then add some fat & chopped it small. This fat will really make a difference. Heat the oil in a pan over high heat, swirl the oil to coat pan bottom. Sautè garlic & ginger until it’s sizzling. Add in the meat & stir to loosen it up. Cook & stir it often until the fat rendered & the meat turned golden brown. Then put in the wine, soy sauce, sweet bean paste & black pepper to taste. Stir until the flavour blended. Taste & adjust the seasoning if it’s necessary. Remove pork & some of the oil from the pan. Set it aside.
  • Sesame paste: In a blender, finely grind all paste ingredients. Put it in a bowl & set it aside. You could just buy this in an Asian store.
  • Sautè minced garlic until golden; remove from the pan & then set it aside. Cook noodles in a pot of boiling water/stock for few minutes. When it almost cooked, add in some bok choy/mustard greens. Cook vegetables just to blanch it. Strain noodle & vegetable them from the water/broth & set it aside. Save this water/broth for the bowl.
  • To assemble the noodles (for each portion): In a bowl, put 2 tsp sesame paste, 1-2 tsp Sichuan chili oil, ¼ tsp sugar, ¼-½ tsp Sichuan peppercorn powder, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp Chinese black vinegar & some sauteed Garlic. Pour 1 ladle of the water/broth that we saved earlier into the bowl. Add in the noodle & vegetables. Arrange 3 tbsp of Pork Sao Zi (& some of the oil) & 1 tbsp of Sui Mi Ya Cai on top. Sprinkle with some crushed peanut & sliced scallion. Serve noodles immediately. Mix them to combine everything before eating. For 6 portions
  • * You could substitute the Sui mi ya cai with washed Kimchi, preserved Tianjin cabbage or pickled mustard green. You could also make Dan Dan noodles with chicken or beef for a halal version or if you don’t eat pork.

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