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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Red Velvet Cake

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 300 gr Terigu, 6 gr Coklat bubuk, 1 st Baking soda
  • 50 gr Mentega-suhu ruang, 1 st Vanili, 1 st Garam
  • 3 Telur-pisah, 350 gr Gula, 250 ml Minyak sayur
  • ½ st Baking powder, 100 ml Kopi hitam panas
  • 230 ml Buttermilk-suhu ruang, 1 st Cuka
  • Pewarna merah secukupnya

Frosting Cream: 

  • 200 gr Keju mascarpone, ¾ st Kulit lemon parut
  • 265 gr Krim kocok dingin, 200 gr Cream cheese
  • ¾ st Vanili, 105 gr Gula bubuk

Ide utk Hiasan:

  • Walnut & 4 sm Kelapa parut+Pewarna+1 st Gula bubuk
  • atau Pistachio-cincang & Coklat bubuk


Cara membuat

  • Panaskan oven 170° C. Campur terigu, bak.soda, bak.powder, coklat & garam, kmd sisihkan.
  • Kocok kaku putih telur, sisihkan. Kocok mentega & gula ± 1 mnt. Mskkan minyak, kng telur, buttermilk, vanili & pewarna; aduk dng spatula. Beri kopi & cuka, kocok dng mixer kec. sedang ± 1 mnt. Tuang campuran terigu dng disaring sedikit2, kocok setlh tiap penambahan dng kec. rendah sampai adonan menyatu. Mskkan adonan putih telur, aduk melipat searah dng spatula.
  • Minyaki 2-3 bh loyang uk. 20-23 cm lalu alasi dasarnya dng kertas perkamen. Tuang adonan sama banyak ke dlm masing2 loyang. Ltkkan loyang di rak tengah oven, panggang 35-45 mnt, sampai tepi cake menjauh dari tepi loyang & tusuk gigi yg ditusukkan di cake bersih saat diangkat (jangan terlalu lama, cake akan meneruskan memasak dlm proses pendinginan).
  • Ltkkan loyang di rak kawat sampai suam2 kuku. Jelujuri melingkar di tepi cake dlm loyang dng sisi tumpul pisau agar cake terlepas dari perlekatannya. Keluarkan cake, biarkan hingga dingin.
  • Frosting cream cheese: Dinginkan pengocok mixer di kulkas dulu selama beberapa menit sebelum digunakan. Mixer krim & 25 gr gula bubuk sampai kaku, sisihkan. Kocok cream cheese & mascarpone sampai lembut. Beri vanili, parutan klt lemon & sisa gula bubuk, kocok sampai lembut. Mskkan krim kocok, aduk rata dng gerakan melipat2 sampai cukup kaku utk dijadikan pelapis.
  • Hiasan kelapa: Sangrai kelapa sampai kecoklatan, aduk dng gula & pewarna. Angkat, dinginkan.
  • Penyelesaian: Ltkkan cake I terbalik di tengah2 piring saji. Pakai spatula, semir permukaan cake dng frosting. Letakkan cake ke II di atasnya, ulangi prosedur utk cake ke III (bila membuatnya jadi 3 cake). Semir frosting menutup seluruh permukaan cake dng sempurna. Hias bntk bunga2/bintang dari frosting dng piping bag, kmd beri walnut panggang/pistachio & taburi kelapa parut/cokelat bubuk



  • 300 gr Cake flour, ½ tsp Baking powder, 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 250 ml Vegetable oil, 100 ml hot Coffee, 1 tsp Baking soda
  • 1 tsp White vinegar, 350 gr Sugar, Red colouring, 1 tsp Salt
  • 50 gr Butter & 230 ml Buttermilk-room temperature
  • 6 gr unsweetened Cocoa powder, 3 Eggs-separated

Cream cheese frosting:

  • 200 gr Cream cheese, 265 ml cold Whipping cream
  • 200 gr Mascarpone cheese, ¾ tsp Vanilla extract
  • 105 gr Icing sugar, ¾ tsp Lemon zest

Garnish Ideas:

  • 4 tbsp grated Coconut+1 tsp Icing sugar+Red colouring & Caramelised roast Walnuts
  • or chopped Pistachio & Chocolate powder



  • Preheat oven to 160° C. Whisk the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cocoa & salt; set it aside.
  • Beat egg whites on high speed until fluffy peaks form; set aside. Beat the butter & sugar for ~ 1 min. Add in veg. oil, yolks, buttermilk, vanilla & food colouring; stir it with spatula. Mix in the coffee & vinegar; beat on medium speed for 1 min. Gradually sieve the flour mixture over the batter, beat after each addition on low speed just until combined. With a spatula, gently fold the egg white mixture in one direction, just until blended (don’t fold it too long).
  • Grease 2-3 cake pans (20-23 cm) & line the bottom with parchment paper. Divide the batter evenly among the pans. Bake in the middle rack for 35-45 minutes, until the cake pulls away from the side of the pans & a toothpick inserted in the center of cakes comes out clean (don`t over bake, cake will continue to cook as it cools).
  • Place the pans on a wire rack until they becomes lukewarm. Run a blunt side of a knife or an offset spatula between the edge of the cake & the pan to loosen the cake from the pan. Remove cakes from the pans & let them cool completely.
  • Cream cheese frosting: Chill the mixer beater in the fridge for a few minutes before using it. Whip the cream & 25 gr of icing sugar with mixer to stiff peaks; set aside. Beat cream cheese & mascarpone until smooth. Add in the vanilla, lemon zest & the rest of icing sugar; beat until smooth. Fold in whipped cream until the frosting is thick enough to spread.
  • Coconut garnish: Roast grated coconut until light brown in a pan. Sprinkle some red color & icing sugar; stir to combine & then remove from the heat. Let grated coconut to cool down.
  • To assemble the cake: Place first cake layer in the middle of a serving platter, bottom side up. Using a palette knife/offset spatula spread the frosting over the top of the cake evenly. Top with the second cake layer; continue to frost & stack the other cake layers (if you’ve made 3 cakes). Spread the remaining frosting to cover the entire cake. Pipe rosettes/stars on top side & garnish with roasted walnuts/chopped pistachio & roasted coconut/chocolate powder.

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