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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sayap Ayam Pedas Saus Sriracha (Sriracha Hot Chicken Wings)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 1¼ kg Sayap ayam, 2 sm Baking powder, 2½ sm Madu
  • 2 st Garam, 1½ st Ketumbar bubuk, 1½ sm Saus soya
  • 1 st Cuka beras, 60 gr Mentega3 sm Air jeruk nipis
  • 100 ml Saus Sriracha Thai, ½ st Bawang putih bubuk

Cara membuat
  • Lumuri sayap ayam dng 2 sm air nipis, diamkan 20 mnt. Keringkan ayam dng kertas penyerap cairan. Taburi & aduk rata dng bak.pwd, garam & 1 st ketumbar bbk. Mskkan ayam ke kulkas tanpa ditutup selama 2 jam.
  • Saus: Lelehkan mentega dng api kecil. Mskkan saus sriracha, madu, saus soya, ½ st ketumbar bbk, baw.pth bbk, 1 sm air lemon & cuka, aduk2 hingga mendidih. Angkat & sisihkan.
  • Pilihan cara memanggang:
    • Dng panggangan menggunakan arang: Panaskan arang di alat panggangan besar bertutup. Posisikan arang di salah satu sisinya saja. Setlh arang siap/berwarna abu2, ltkkan rak kawat utk memanggangnya. Tutup panggangan & panaskan selama 5 mnt (sampai panas sedang-tinggi). Minyaki permukaan rak kawat kmd ltkkan sayap di atas rak tsb pd bagian yg tdk ada arangnya (jangan langsung di atas arang). Tutup panggangan & panggang sampai kulit ayam kecoklatan & crispy (30-40 mnt). Ulasi seluruh permukaan ayam dng saus, tutup & panggang lagi selama 5-10 mnt (sampai saus menyerap & mengering). Panaskan sisa saus g ada utk campuran ayam setelah matang nanti
    • Dng alat panggang gas/listrik: panggang di suhu ± 190° C. Selanjutnya lihat cara di atas.
    • Dng oven: Pnskan oven 225° C dng api atas. Ltkkan rak oven di posisi paling bwh. Taruh baking sheet/loyang di bwh rak oven utk menampung cairan yg menetes sewkt memanggang. Ulas ayam tipis2 dng saus. Panggang ayam ± 30 mnt (sampai kecoklatan). Ulasi ayam menyeluruh dng saus. Balik posisi ayam, panggang dng suhu 250° C sampai saus menyerap & mengering. Angkat ayam, sisihkan. Campur sisa cairan yg menetes dng sisa saus & masak sebentar.
  • Ltkkan ayam di wadah bsr, tuangi sisa saus kmd aduk rata. Ltkkan di piring saji & sajikan segera.


  • 1¼ kg Chicken wings, 2 tsp Salt, 2 tbsp Baking powder
  • 3 tbsp Lime juice, 1½ tbsp Soy sauce, 2½ tbsp Honey
  • 100 ml Thai Sriracha sauce, 1½ tsp ground Coriander
  • 1 tsp Rice vinegar, ½ tsp Garlic powder, 60 gr Butter

  • Rub the chicken wings with 2 tbsp of lime juice; let it stand for 20 mins. Pat the chicken dry with paper towels; then sprinkle with bak.pwd, salt & 1 tsp of coriander. Tossing to coat evenly; refrigerate uncovered for 2 hours.
  • Sauce: Melt butter over low heat. Whisk in sriracha sauce, honey, soy sauce, ½ tsp of coriander, garlic, 1 tbsp of lime juice & vinegar until bubbly. Remove from the heat; set aside.
  • Grilling method choices:
    • Heat the coals in a pile to one side of the grill/charcoal grate. After the coals have turned Gray, set cooking grate in place. Cover & allow preheating for 5 minutes (medium high heat). Oil the grilling grate. Place the chicken wings over the cool side of the grill (not over the coals); cover & cook until skins are crisp & browned (30-40 minutes). Brush wings all over with the sauce, cover & continue to grill for 5-10 minutes (until the sauce bakes in). Heat remaining sauce to mix with grilled chicken later on.
    • On a gas grill, go for a temperature around 190° C. See above for the next procedure.
    • Over upper flame, preheat oven to 225° C. Place the oven rack in the bottom side. Put a baking sheet below the rack to accommodate the drippings from roasting procedure. Brush the wings lightly with the sauce. Roast the wings for ~ 30 minutes (until golden brown). Brush the wings all over with the sauce. Turn the chicken over & grill again at 250° C until the sauce bakes in. Remove from the oven. Heat the remaining sauce; stir in the drippings from roasting & cook until bubbly.
  • Place the chicken wings into a large container; pour remaining sauce over the wings & toss to coat evenly. Transfer the chicken wings to a platter & serve immediately.
Adapted from Joshua Bousel recipe, with some personal modification.

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