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Monday, January 7, 2013

Cake Keju Kukus (Steamed Layer Cheese Sponge Cake)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)



Bahan Cake:

  • 6 Telur, 60 gr Susu kental manis, 180 gr Gula, 1 st Vanili
  • 40 gr Maizena, 180 gr Terigu serba-guna, 1 st Emulsifier
  • 30 gr Mentega-cairkan suhu ruang, 160 ml Minyak sayur
  • 80 gr Keju parut, 80-100 gr Keju serut-untuk taburan
  • ½ st Garam, Terigu & Margarin-untuk olesan loyang

Krim olesan:

  • 160 gr Krim kental, 75 gr Keju mascarpone, 15 gr Gula
  • ½ st Vanili, 1 st Kulit lemon parut

Cara membuat

  • Krim olesan: Kocok mascarpone, krim kental, kulit lemon parut, vanili & gula sampai kaku & lembut. Tutup cream & simpan di kulkas minimal 1 jam (sampai siap utk digunakan).
  • Persiapan: Panaskan kukusan sampai air mendidih & beruap. Oles loyang bulat ukuran 20-22 cm dng margarin lalu taburi terigu. Campur mentega cair dng minyak sayur, sisihkan. Campur terigu, maizena & garam, saring lalu sisihkan.
  • Kocok telur, emulsifier, vanili, susu kental manis & gula dng mixer kecepatan tinggi hingga mengembang, pucat & kental berjejak (± 10 menit).
  • Masukkan campuran terigu secara bertahap ke adonan, aduk rata setiap kali dng whisk/spatula. Beri keju parut, aduk rata. Tuang campuran minyak ke adonan, aduk rata dng gerakan melipat2.
  • Kecilkan api ke sedang-kecil. Bungkus tutup kukusan dng lap/serbet agar uap air tidak menetes ke kue. Bagi adonan jadi 2 sama banyak. Tuang 1 bagian adonan ke loyang. Ketuk loyang bbrp kali ke meja agar gelembung udara yg ada di dlm adonan keluar. Mskkan loyang ke kukusan, tutup & kukus 30-40 menit (lakukan tes tusuk ditengah adonan utk melihat kematangan). Angkat loyang dari kukusan lalu keluarkan kue. Ulangi prosedur utk adonan kedua.
  • Penyusunan: Ltkkan kue dng posisi terbalik (bagian bwh menghdp atas). Olesi sisi atas cake I dng ¼ bagian dari krim sampai ketepi dngn spatula kmd taburi keju serut. Oles sisi bwh cake II dng ¼ bagian krim, ltkkan cake II di atas cake I, tekan perlahan utk memadatkan, olesi sisi atasnya dng sisa krim lalu taburi dengan keju serut.


Cake ingredients:

  • 6 Eggs, 60 gr sweet Condensed milk, 1 tsp Emulsifier, ½ tsp Salt
  • 40 gr Corn starch, 180 gr all-purpose Flour, 80 gr grated Cheese
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract, 80-100 gr shredded Cheese-for topping
  • 30 gr Butter-melted room temperature, 160 ml Vegetable oil
  • 180 gr Sugar, Extra Flour & Margarine-for the pan

Cream ingredients:

  • 160 gr Heavy cream, 75 gr Mascarpone, ½ st Vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp Lemon zest, 15 gr Sugar


  • Cream: Beat the mascarpone, heavy cream, lemon zest, vanilla & sugar until the mixture holds its shape, looks like soft whipped cream. Cover & refrigerate for minimum 1 hour (until ready to use).
  • Preparation: Heat up a steamer until the water boiling & lots of steam comes out from under the lid. Brush a round 20-22 cm pan with enough margarine & then sprinkle some flour around. Combine melted butter with vegetable oil; set it aside. Sift & then combine the flour, corn starch & salt in a bowl; set it aside.
  • Using a mixer, beat eggs, sugar, vanilla, condensed milk & emulsifier over high speed until the batter getting thick & pale (~ 10 minutes).
  • Add flour mixture into the batter gradually; stirring it well after each addition with a whisk/spatula. Gently stir in grated cheese. Pour the butter-oil mixture into the batter; fold in using a whisk/spatula.
  • Turn the heat to medium-low. Cover steamers lid with a clean cloth. Divide the batter into 2 equal portions. Pour 1 batter portion into the pan. Tap pan on the table a few times to bring up air bubbles. Place the pan into the steamer; cover with the lid & steam it for 30-40 minutes (until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean). Remove pan from the steamer. Place a wire rack on top of the pan & invert, lifting off the pan. Repeat the procedure for the next batter portion.
  • To assemble the cake: Put each cake bottom side up; spread ¼ of the cream over the top of first cake with a spatula so it extends just beyond edges; sprinkle with enough shredded cheese. Spread ¼ of the cream over the bottom side of the second cake; place the second cake on top of the first cake; gently pressing to compact. Spread the rest of cream over the top of the second cake & then sprinkle with shredded cheese.

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