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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bika Ambon (Medan Style Honeycomb Cake)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 170 gr Tepung tapioka, 10 gr Terigu450 ml Santan kental
  • 1½ st Ragi instan, 1 Sereh besar-geprek, 10 Kuning telur
  • 14 Daun jeruk4 Pandan-iris2, 250 gr Gula, ½ st Garam
  • 75 ml Air hangat, 1 sm Kacang kenari/almond-iris (opsional)
  • 1 st Pewarna makanan kuning*, 1 st Kulit jeruk parut
  • Minyak/Margarin secukupnya

Cara membuat
  • Didihkan & aduk santan, sereh, pandan, dn jeruk & garam hingga aroma menyatu dng api kecil. Angkat, kmd biarkan hingga hangat/suam2 kuku. Saring & buang sereh serta daun2an.
  • Larutkan ragi di air hangat, beri 20 gr gula & terigu, aduk rata. Biarkan selama 15 mnt. Sisihkan
  • Kocok kuning telur & 230 gr gula hingga berbuih & kental. Mskkan tp tapioka, aduk melipat2 dng spatula hingga halus. Beri pewarna, klt jrk prt, adonan ragi & santan. Aduk melipat2 searah hingga rata. Tutup wadah, taruh di tempat hangat sampai adonan berbusa banyak (2-3 jam).
  • Alasi loyang persegi uk. 23X23 cm/bulat 23 cm dng kertas roti & olesi dng margarin/minyak. Panaskan oven & loyang dng api bwh 175° C (loyang hrs panas wkt adonan dimskkan). Ltkkan rak oven di posisi kedua dari bwh. Taburi dasar loyang dng kenari kmd tuang adonan ke loyang, diamkan 5 mnt. Mskkan loyang ke oven, panggang dng pintu oven sedikit terbuka hanya hingga permukaan adonan berlubang-lubang (± 10 mnt). Rapatkan pintu & panggang hingga kue padat & tusuk gigi yg ditusukkan di tengah2 kue, bersih saat dikeluarkan (30-35 mnt). Nyalakan api atas, panggang hingga permukaan kue kecokelatan (5-10 mnt). Keluarkan loyang, ltkkan terbalik diatas rak kawat, biarkan mendingin sampai suhu ruang. Keluarkan kue dari loyang & hidangkan.
  • * Hanya dipakai bila kng telur terlalu pucat. Lbh baik gunakan kuning telur yg berwarna lebih gelap.

  • 170 gr Tapioca flour, 10 gr Flour450 ml thick Coconut milk
  • 14 Kaffir lime leaves, 4 Pandan leaves-big sliced, ½ tsp Salt
  • 1½ tsp instant Yeast, 1 tsp Lemon zest, 75 ml warm Water
  • 1 tsp Yellow food colouring*, 10 Egg yolks, 250 gr Sugar
  • 1 big Lemongrass-bruised, enough Margarine/Oil
  • 1 tbsp sliced Pili nuts/Almond (optional)

  • Boil & stir constantly the coconut milk with lemongrass, pandan, lime leaves & salt until the flavor blended over low heat. Remove from the heat; let it stand until luke warm. Strain the mixture into a bowl & then discard lemongrass & all leaves.
  • Dissolve yeast in warm water. Stir in 20 gr of sugar & flour. Set it aside & let it stand for 15 minutes.
  • Beat the egg yolks & 230 gr of sugar with an electric mixer until foamy & thicken. Using a spatula, gently fold in tapioca flour until the mixture smooth. Add in food coloring, lemon zest, yeast mixture & coconut milk. Repeat folding procedure in one direction until the mixture incorporated. Cover the bowl & place it in a warm place until plenty of small bubbles formed on the batter surface (2-3 hours).
  • Meanwhile, grease & line a square 23X23 cm/23 cm round baking pan with baking paper. Preheat the oven & baking pan to 175° C over bottom heat (the pan should be hot when you put in the batter later on). Place the oven rack on the second part of the ovens bottom side. Sprinkle pili nuts/almond on the pan; pour in the batter & let it stand for 5 min. Place the pan into the oven & bake with the oven door slightly open until you can see many holes formed in the batter surface (~ 10 min). Close the oven door up & bake until the center of cake just firm to the touch & a tooth pick inserted into the center of cake comes out clean (30-35 min). Turn on the oven upper heat; bake again until the cake golden brown (5-10 min). Remove the pan; put it upside down on a wire rack & let it cool down to room temperature. Remove the cake from the pan & serve.
  • * Just use the food coloring if the egg yolks color is too pale. For the best result, use eggs with darker yolks.

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