In Indonesian & English
Membuat Lontong Tradisional Dengan Daun Pisang
- 200 gr Beras-cuci, ½ st Garam - 2 Daun Pandan, Daun2 pisang-ptg2 selbr 25 cm
- 2 Daun salam, Air secukupnya
Cara membuat
- Bentuk potongan2 daun pisang menjadi silinder memanjang berdiameter ± 15 cm (sisi daun yg berwarna gelap menghadap dlm). Semat salah satu sisinya dng tusuk gigi/lidi.
- Masak beras dng pandan, daun salam, garam & air (sebanyak 2 cm di atas muka nasi) sampai air terserap. Buang pandan & salam. Tumbuk2 sedikit dng penghls kentang/mortar. Mskkan nasi aron ke selongsong2 daun pisang sampai ± ¾ tinggi selongsong. Padatkan, semat sisi yg satu lagi dng tusuk gigi/lidi.
- Mskkan lontong dng posisi berdiri dlm panci tinggi, beri air hingga terendam, masak ± 1½-2 jam, tambah air pns bila air berkurang (masak dng pressure cooker selama ± 45 mnt).
- Keluarkan lontong dari panci. Biarkan mendingin dlm posisi berdiri seblm dipotong & dihidangkan.
Membuat Lontong Dengan Beras Bungkus Plastik Khusus
Pastikan anda membeli beras dalam bungkusan yang memang dikemas dng plastik khusus yg dapat digunakan utk proses pemasakan/tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Saya kurang tahu, tapi mungkin beras bungkusan jenis ini juga bisa dibeli di supermarket di Indonesia. Saya sertakan contoh fotonya di postingan ini. Tolong jangan membungkusnya sendiri dengan plastik lembaran biasa karena plastik biasa tsb akan mengeluarkan zat beracun bagi tubuh saat dipanaskan. Bila anda tidak bisa mendapatkan beras yg memang sdh dibungkus dlm plastik khusus tsb, lebih baik anda membuat lontong dng daun pisang saja walaupun agak merepotkan didalam proses pembuatannya.
- 2 bungkus Beras plastik, 1 st Garam - 3 Daun Pandan (opsional) *
- 2 Daun salam, Air secukupnya - ½ Daun pisang-potong2 (opsional) *
Cara membuat
- Blender daun pandan & 200 ml air. Saring air pandannya ke dlm wadah & sisihkan.
- Cara 1: Masukkan bungkusan2 beras, garam, air pandan, daun salam & potongan2 daun pisang ke dalam panci yang cukup tinggi. Tuangi air yg cukup banyak utk merendam semuanya. Masak selama ± 1½-2 jam, tambahi air panas bila air di panci berkurang.
- Cara 2: Masukkan bungkusan2 beras, garam, air pandan, daun salam & potongan2 daun pisang ke dalam rice cooker. Tuangi air hingga ketinggian ± 3/4 dari tinggi rice cooker ukuran besar. Masak selama ± 1-1½ jam.
- Keluarkan lontong dari panci/rice cooker & biarkan mendingin sebelum dipotong2 & dihidangkan.
* Penggunaan air pandan & potongan daun pisang ditujukan agar didapatkan warna kehijauan & wangi dari daun2an tsb seperti bila membuat lontong dng daun pisang.
Lontong enak disajikan antara lain bersama dng: (Untuk resepnya, klik pada link di bawah ini)
Lontong Sayur Medan, Opor Ayam & Telur, Soto Ayam, Sayur Godok Sayuran & Tempe, Sambal Godok Betawi, Sayur Labu Siam, Pindang Tetelan, Sate Ayam Ponorogo, Sate Padang, Sambal Goreng Krecek.
Making Traditional Rolled & Compressed Rice Cakes with Banana Leaves
- 200 gr Long grain rice-washed - Banana leaves-cut into 25 cm wide pcs
- ½ tsp Salt, 1 Pandan leaf - 2 Bay leaves, enough Water
- Roll each piece leaf length wise into a cylinder with a diameter ± 15 cm (the green shiny side in). Secure one of the end with a toothpick.
- Cook rice with pandan leaf, bay leaves, salt & water (the water should be 2 cm above the rice surface level) until the water sucked out by the rice. Discard all leaves. Mash the rice a bit with a potato masher/mortar. Fill out each banana roll with rice until ¾ full. Pressing a bit to compact the rice; secure the other end with toothpicks.
- Put the rice rolls into a deep pot in standing position. Pour enough water to cover the rolls all the way to the top. Cook for ± 1½-2 hour, pour more hot water if the water level reduced (you can also cook them with a pressure cooker for ~ 45 minutes).
- Take the rice cake out from the pot. Let it cool down in standing position before slicing & serving.
Making Compressed Rice Cakes with Boil-in-Bag Rice
- 2 bags of Boil-in-Bag Rice, 1 tsp Salt - 3 Pandan leaves (optional) *
- 2 Bay leaves, enough Water - ½ Banana leaf-cut (optional) *
- Process the pandan leaves & water with a food processor. Strain off the pandan water into a cup & set aside.
- 1st alternatives: Put the Boil-in-Bag rice, salt, pandan water, bay leaves & banana leaf pieces into a deep pot. Pour in enough water to cover the bags & all leaves. Cook for ~ 1½-2 hours; pour more hot water if the water level reduced.
- 2nd alternatives: Put the Boil-in-Bag rice, salt, pandan water, bay leaves & banana leaf pieces into a big size rice cooker. Pour in water until 2/3 of the rice cooker height. Cook for 1-1½ hours.
- Take the rice cake out from the pot/rice cooker. Let it cool down before slicing & serving.
* Use the banana leaf pieces & pandan water if you want to get the fragrant & a nice light green color like the original banana leaves wrapped rice cake.
Serve this Rolled & Compressed Rice Cakes together with some main dish such as: (For the recipe please click on the links)
Vegetables in coconut broth Medan style, Chicken & Eggs Braised in Coconut Gravy, Classic Indonesian Chicken Soup, Vegetables & Tempeh Stew, Betawi Style Chayote Stew, Chayote Stew, Sour Black Beef Soup, Chicken Satay àla Ponorogo, Padangnese Spicy Satay, Beef Skin Crackers in Spicy Sauce.
Vegetables in coconut broth Medan style, Chicken & Eggs Braised in Coconut Gravy, Classic Indonesian Chicken Soup, Vegetables & Tempeh Stew, Betawi Style Chayote Stew, Chayote Stew, Sour Black Beef Soup, Chicken Satay àla Ponorogo, Padangnese Spicy Satay, Beef Skin Crackers in Spicy Sauce.
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