In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
- 500 gr Fillet Ayam-iris kecil2, 1 Jeruk limau, 2 Daun Jeruk
- 1 Sereh & 1 cm Lengkuas-geprek, 3 sm Gula jawa+3 sm Air
- 2 sm Kecap manis, 2 sm Minyak Ayam *, Minyak goreng
- Tusukan sate
- 5 Bawang merah, Bawang putih, 4½ st Jintan, 2 cm Kunyit
- 1 st Ketumbar & 4 Kemiri-sangrai, 3 cm Jahe, 2 st Garam
Bumbu kacang:
- 3 Kemiri & 300 gr Kacang-sangrai, 50 gr Gula jawa, 2 Cabai
- 1 st Garam, 300 ml Air, 2 Daun jeruk-iris2, 1 cm Kencur
- 2 sm Kecap manis, 4 Cabai rawit (opsional)
- Lontong-potong2, Bawang goreng
Cara membuat
- Tumis bumbu hls, lengkuas, daun jeruk & sereh sampai harum. Masukkan ayam, aduk, masak ½ matang. Simpan di kulkas minimal 1 jam.
- Bumbu kacang: Haluskan kacang & bahan lain kecuali kecap & air. Beri kecap & air. Masak sampai mendidih. Angkat lalu kucuri air jeruk limau.
- Larutkan gula jawa dng air. Campur kecap dng 1 sm minyak ayam. Tusuk ayam di tusukan sate, celup dilarutan gula, beri kecap lalu bakar, ulangi proses utk sisi satunya. Bakar hingga matang.
- Campur bumbu kacang dng minyak ayam. Sajikan sate dng bumbu kacang dan lontong kmd taburi bawang goreng.
- Untuk membuat minyak ayam, lihat resep Minyak Ayam. Utk membuat lontong, lihat juga resep Lontong
- 500 gr Chicken fillet-small sliced, 1 Kaffir lime, Frying oil
- 1 Lemongrass & 1 cm Galangal-bruised, 2 tbsp Chicken Oil*
- 3 tbsp Coconut sugar+3 tbsp Water, 2 Kaffir lime leaves
- 2 tbsp sweet Soy sauce, Wooden skewers
Grind into a paste:
- 5 Shallots, 4 Garlic cloves, 2 cm Turmeric, ½ tsp Cumin
- 1 tsp Coriander & 4 Candlenuts-toasted, 3 cm Ginger
- 2 tsp Salt
Peanuts sauce:
- 2 tbsp sweet Soy sauce, 2 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced
- 50 gr Coconut sugar, 2 Red chilies, 1 cm Lesser galangal
- 300 gr Peanuts & 3 Candlenuts-toasted, 300 ml Water
- 1 tsp Salt, 4 Birds eye chilies (optional)
- Rolled & Compressed Rice Cakes-sliced, fried Shallots/Onions
- Sauté spices paste, galangal, kaffir lime leaves & lemon grass until fragrant. Put in chicken; stir until the chicken half cooked. Set it in the refrigerator for min. 1 hour.
- Peanut sauce: Grind peanuts & other sauce ingredients (in exception of soy sauce & water). Stir in sweet soy sauce & water. Cook until the sauce is boiling. Remove from the heat & then stir in kaffir lime juice.
- Dissolve coconut sugar in water; set aside. Combine sweet soy sauce with chicken oil; set aside.
- Thread chicken onto the skewers, leave the lower part empty. Basting the chicken with coconut sugar mixture & then with sweet soy sauce. Grill the chicken, repeat the basting process for the other side, grill until the meat is evenly browned on both sides & cooked through.
- Combine the peanut sauce with the rest of chicken oil. Serve the chicken satay with peanut sauce & compressed rice cake. Sprinkle with fried shallot/onion.
- For making the Chicken Oil, see Chicken Oil recipe. For making a compressed rice cake, see Rolled & Compressed Rice Cakes recipe
These were good, thanks for the recipe.
ReplyDeleteYour welcome..:)