In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
- 1-1½ kg Buntut sapi-potong2, 5 Cengkeh, 4 st Garam
- 1½ lt Air, 1½ st Gula, 5 cm Jahe & 1 Sereh-geprek
- 3 Pekak, 1 st Pala bubuk, 10 Bawang merah-potong2
- 5 Kapulaga, Minyak, 2 Daun salam, 5 Daun jeruk
- 400 gr Kentang & 300 gr Wortel-potong2 besar
- 6 Bawang putih, 2 st Lada, 2 Kemiri
- 2 st Ketumbar, ½ st Jintan
Olesan: campur semua bahan
- 2 sm Kecap manis, 2 sm Margarin, ¼ st Lada bubuk
- 1 sm Saus tiram, 1 st Jahe parut
- 1 st Cabai bubuk, 1 sm Kecap Inggris
- Daun bawang-iris, Sambal rawit, 2 Tomat-potong
- Jeruk Nipis/limau, Bawang goreng, Sambal rawit
Cara membuat
- Tumis bumbu halus dengan minyak secukupnya. Masukkan buntut, air, bumbu halus & bumbu lain ke panci presto. Masak 30-45 menit/sampai buntut benar2 empuk. Saring kaldu ke dalam panci. Sisihkan buntut. Buang ampas bumbu & rempah2.
- Ulas semua sisi buntut dengan bahan olesan, diamkan ½ jam. Sementara itu siapkan alat panggang Bbq atau panaskan oven 165° C.
- Masukkan kentang ke dalam kaldu, masak hingga kentang empukg. Beri wortel & cicipi, bumbui dng garam bila perlu. Masukkan tomat potong & daun bawang sebelum disajikan.
- Bakar/panggang buntut hanya hingga semua sisinya tampak kecokelatan sambil sesekali diulas dengan bahan olesan.
- Penyajian: Tempatkan sop di mangkuk saji, taburi dng bawang goreng. Letakkan buntut bersama nasi di piring saji lalu kucuri buntut dng air jeruk nipis/limau. Sajikan dengan sambal rawit.
- 1-1½ kg Oxtail-sliced, 5 Cloves, 1½ lt Water, Oil
- 5 cm Ginger & 1 Lemongrass-bruised, 4 tsp Salt
- 3 Star anise, 1 tsp ground Nutmeg, 2 Bay leaves
- 1½ tsp Sugar, 10 Shallots-sliced
- 5 Cardamom pods, 5 Kaffir lime leaves
- 400 gr Potatoes & 300 gr Carrots-big sliced
Grind into a paste:
- 6 Garlic cloves, 2 tsp Pepper, ½ tsp Cumin
- 2 tsp Coriander, 2 Candlenuts
Glaze: Combine all ingredients
- 2 tbsp sweet Soy sauce, 2 tbsp Margarine
- 1 tbsp Oyster sauce, 1 tsp grated Ginger
- 1 tsp Chili powder, ¼ tspt ground Pepper
- 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- Green onions-sliced, 2 Tomatoes-sliced
- Kaffir lime/Lime, Fried shallots
- Bird’s eye chili sambal
- Sauté the spices paste with enough oil. Put oxtail, water, sautéed spices paste & other spices into a pressure cooker. Cook for ~ 30-45 minutes (until not only the meat, but also the cartilage & tendons are tender). Strain off the stock into a pot. Keep the oxtail aside; discard all spices & leaves.
- Brush all sides of the oxtail with glazing ingredients; let it stand for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat a gas/charcoal Bbq grill or preheat the oven to 165° C.
- Add potatoes into the stock; cook until the potatoes soften. Put in carrots; taste & season with salt if it’s necessary. Stir in tomatoes & green onion before serving.
- Grill oxtail just to brown it on both sides; brush with the glazing in between.
- Pour the soup into serving bowls; sprinkle fried shallots on top. Place oxtail & steamed rice in serving plates. Squeeze enough kaffir lime juice over the oxtail. Serve it with the sambal.