- 200 ml Susu evaporated/full cream hangat, 8 gr Garam
- 450 gr Terigu serba guna, 2 Telur-kocok lepas, Minyak
- 50 gr Terigu protein rendah+ekstra, 40 gr Gula halus
- 125 ml Air suam2 kuku, 60 gr Mentega-suhu ruang
- 7 gr Ragi instan, Mentega cair-untuk olesan
Olesan: aduk
- 1 Kuning telur+1 sm Susu cair
- Keju-potong2, Pasta kacang merah, Pasta coklat
- Daging asap-iris2, Abon ayam/daging pedas
Cara membuat
- Campur susu & air hangat. Beri gula, aduk hingga larut. Masukkan ragi, aduk & diamkan 5 menit. Tambahkan telur, aduk rata lalu sisihkan.
- Campur semua terigu & garam. Tuangi larutan ragi, aduk dng spatula hingga rata saja. Kocok dng mixer berspiral kecepatan rendah-sedang/kec 2 (uleni dng tangan) selama 2-3 mnt. Beri mentega lembek (suhu ruang), uleni/kocok hingga adonan menyatu, selama ± 7 menit (aduk lipat adonan 2-3X dng spatula diantara prosedur bila dikocok dng mixer). Jangan mengaduk terlalu lama. Taburi adonan dng 3 jumput terigu, aduk lipat lalu bulatkan adonan. Minyaki wadah dng sedikit minyak, mskkan adonan. Tutup wadah dengan serbet, diamkan adonan selama ± 1 jam.
- Taburi permukaan kerja dng terigu & minyaki tangan. Ambil adonan lalu bagi masing2 menjadi seberat 40-50 gr. Bentuk menjadi bola2 & diamkan adonan selama 10 mnt.
- Pipihkan adonan menjadi lingkaran, beri bahan isi di tengahnya. Bungkus isi dng rapat, btk menjadi bola2, cubit bagian atas untuk merapatkannya. Susun bola2 tsb bersisian di loyang yg sdh diminyaki, beri jarak ± 1 cm. Tutup loyang dng plastik & diamkan 45 mnt.
- Panaskan oven 190° C, nyalakan api atas & bawah. Letakkan rak oven di tengah. Setelah 45 mnt, adonan akan mengembang hingga bola2 rapat. Ulas permukaan bola2 dng olesan telur susu. Taburi bagian atas roti dng bahan yg sama dng isi utk membedakan jenis isi roti. Panggang 20-25 menit. Keluarkan loyang dari oven lalu olesi dengan mentega cair selagi panas. Biarkan roti di atas loyang selama ± 10-15 menit. Angkat lalu hidangkan.
- 125 ml warm Water, 200 ml warm Evaporated-/Full cream milk
- 450 gr All purpose flour, 7 gr Instant yeast, 40 gr fine Sugar
- 50 gr low protein Flour+extra, Oil, melted Butter-brushing
- 2 Eggs-beaten, 60 gr Butter-room temperature, 8 gr Salt
Egg yolks wash: mixed well
Filling idea: (optional-to your liking)
- 1 Egg yolk+1 tbsp Milk
Filling idea: (optional-to your liking)
- Chocolate, Red bean paste, smoked Beef-sliced
- Cheese-sliced, shredded spicy Chicken/Meat
- Mix the lukewarm water with milk. Dissolved the sugar in that mixture. Stir in the yeast; let it stand for 5 min. Add in the eggs; stir well & then set aside.
- Put flours & salt together. Pour in yeast mixture; stir just to combine with a spatula. Knead the dough with an electric mixer over low-medium speed (with hands) for 2-3 min. Add in 60 gr of butter; knead for ~ 7 min, just until the dough blended, (if you knead it with a mixer: using a spatula, fold the dough 2-3X in between the process). Don’t knead the dough too long. Sprinkle the dough with some flour; fold & then form it round. Grease a big bowl & then put in the dough. Cover the bowl with a clean cloth & let the dough rest for ~ 1 hour.
- Lightly flour the working surface & grease your hands. Divide the dough into ~ 40-50 gr pieces. Shape them into balls & let them rest for 10 minutes.
- Flatten each ball & place enough filling in the middle. Wrap dough to cover the filling completely; round the dough & pinch the top to seal. Arrange balls in a greased baking pan; leave ~ 1 cm space in between. Cover the pan with plastic; let it rest for 45 min.
- Preheat oven to 190° C; turn upper & lower heat on. Place oven rack in the middle. After 45 min, the dough raised much; there won’t be any space between the dough. Brush the dough upper surface with egg yolk wash. Place a bit of filling ingredients on top (the same ingredients with the dough filling, so later on you’ll know which kind of filling it has). Bake for 20-25 minutes. Remove pan from the oven; brush the bread with melted butter while it’s still hot. Let the bread rest in the pan for 10-15 min. Remove from the pan & serve.