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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tahu & Ayam Pedas à la Cina (Spicy Tofu & Chicken Chinese Style)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 400 gr Tahu-potong dadu, 1 Cabai-iris, ½ Tomat-iris2
  • ¼ Dada ayam goreng/panggang-iris2, 1 sm Minyak wijen
  • 2 Bawang putih & 10 gr Jahe-cincang, 1½ sm Saus soya
  • 2 Daun bawang-iris2, ½ Bawang bombay-cincang
  • 1½ sm Dou ban jiang/pasta kedelai pedas, Minyak goreng
  • 1 sm Saus tiram, ½ st Gula
   Bumbu untuk tahu:
  • 2 st Bawang putih bubuk, 1 st Ketumbar bubuk, Garam

Cara membuat
  • Campur air secukupnya untuk merendam tahu dengan bumbu tahu. Rebus tahu di campuran tersebut di atas api besar sampai tahu melembut. Matikan api & diamkan tahu di dalamnya 10 menit. Sementara itu, iris2 tipis bagian putih dari daun bawang lalu iris2 memanjang bagian hijaunya, sisihkan. Goreng tahu di minyak panas untuk membuatnya sedikit kecokelatan. Angkat & sisihkan.
  • Tumis jahe, dou ban jiang, cabai, bawang putih & bombay sampai layu dengan api besar. Beri gula, saus soya & saus tiram, masak hingga harum. Masukkan tahu & ayam, aduk rata. Tambahkan minyak wijen, daun bawang & tomat. Aduk rata. Sajikan dengan nasi hangat. Untuk 4 porsi.

  • 400 gr firm Tofu-cubes, 1½ tbsp Soy sauce
  • ¼ fried/grilled Chicken breast-sliced, frying Oil
  • 10 gr Ginger & ½ Onion-chopped, ½ Tomato-sliced
  • 2 Green onions-sliced, 2 Garlic cloves-minced
  • 1½ tbsp Sichuan chili bean paste (douban jiang)
  • 1 tbsp Oyster sauce, 1 Chili-sliced, ½ tsp Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Sesame oil
   Tofu seasoning:
  • 2 tsp Garlic powder, 1 tsp ground Coriander, Salt

  • Mix just enough water to soak the tofu cubes with tofu seasoning. Boil tofu in the mixture over high heat until it is softer. Turn off the heat; let it stand for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, thinly slice white parts of green onions & then slice the green parts into long ribbons; set aside. Fry tofu in hot oil just to brown it a bit; drain & set aside.
  • Sauté ginger, chili, dou ban jiang, mince garlic & onion until wilted over high heat. Add in sugar, soy sauce & oyster sauce; cook until fragrant. Stir in fried tofu & chicken until it mixed well. Put in sesame oil, green onion & tomato; combine it well. Serve over steamed rice. Serves: 4.

Korean Spicy & Crunchy Fried Chicken

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Sayap ayam-potong 2, 65 gr Maizena
  • 2 Bawang putih & 10 gr Jahe-haluskan, Minyak
  • 2 sm Gochujang (saus cabai Korea), 40 gr Madu
  • 2 st Biji wijen sangrai, 1 sm Arak beras
  • 2 st Gula, ½ st Jahe bubuk, 2 sm Cuka beras
  • 5 sm Saus soya, 1 st Cabai bubuk, Garam
  • ½ st Bawang putih bubuk, 1 sm Minyak wijen

Cara membuat
  • Campur bawang pth & jahe halus dng 3 sm saus soya, minyak wijen, gula & garam seckpnya. Masukkan ayam & campur dng bahan perendam. Simpan ayam di kulkas 1-2 jam. Lumuri tiap potong ayam dng maizena sampai rata (remas/press tiap potongan ayam hingga tersaput baik).
  • Saus: Panaskan wajan di atas api besar-sedang. Masukkan 2 sm minyak, bawang pth bubuk, jahe bbk, cabai bbk, gochujang & arak beras. Aduk hingga wangi. Beri madu, cuka & 2 sm saus soya. Aduk & biarkan hingga mendidih beberapa saat. Angkat dari api & sisihkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang.
  • Panaskan minyak dng api besar. Masukkan ayam satu persatu & goreng selama ± 12 menit. Balik2 posisi ayam diantaranya. Angkat ayam dari minyak & matikan api. Biarkan ayam bbrp menit lalu panaskan lagi minyak di wajan. Goreng ayam kembali selama 12-15 menit (sampai kuning kecoklatan). Angkat ayam dari wajan.
  • Campur ayam dng saus, aduk hingga rata. Letakkan di piring saji. Taburi dng biji wijen sangrai lalu hidangkan.

  • 500 gr Chicken wings-cut into 2, 65 gr Cornstarch
  • 2 Garlic cloves+10 gr Ginger-grind, 1 tbsp Rice wine
  • 2 tbsp Gochujang (Korean chili sauce), 40 gr Honey
  • 2 tsp Sugar, 1 tbsp Sesame oil, ½ tsp Garlic powder
  • ½ tsp Ginger powder, 2 tsp roasted Sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp Chili flakes, 5 tbsp Soy sauce, frying Oil
  • 2 tbsp Rice vinegarSalt

  • Mix the ground garlic & ginger with 3 tbsp of soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar & enough salt. Put the chicken in & combine it well with the mixture. Chill chicken for 1-2 hours. Dip each chicken slices/wings in cornstarch to coat it completely (squeeze/press each slices to coating it tightly).
  • Sauce: Heat up a skillet over medium high heat. Stir in 2 tbsp of cooking oil, garlic powder, ginger powder, chili flakes, gochujang & rice wine until fragrant. Add in the honey, rice vinegar & 2 tbsp of soy sauce. Stir & let it bubble for a few minutes. Remove from the heat & set aside. Let it cool down to room temperature.
  • Heat up cooking oil over high heat. Put coated chicken one by one & fry for ~ 12 minutes; flip it over few times during cooking. Remove chicken from the skillet & turn off the heat. Let the chicken sit for a few minutes. Reheat the oil & fry the chicken for another 12-15 minutes (until golden brown). Remove chicken from the skillet.
  • Mix & stir well fried chicken with the sauce to coat it completely. Put it in a serving plate. Sprinkle roasted sesame seeds on top & serve.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sambal Mangga (Spicy Mango Relish)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 5 Cabai keriting (3 Rawit) & 3 Cabai merah-iris2
  • ½ Mangga muda-serut panjang, Lada bubuk
  • 5 Bawang merah-iris, ½ Lemon-peras, Garam
  • 1 st Terasi bakar (opsional), 1 st gula

Cara membuat
  • Ulek kasar semua cabai. Campur dng mangga, terasi, bawang merah & air lemon.
  • Bumbui dng garam & lada secukupnya, aduk rata. Hidangkan dengan Laksa Mie, Ayam Bumbu Kuning Goreng atau ikan bakar maupun goreng.

  • 5 Cayenne peppers (3 Bird’s eye chilies)-sliced
  • ½ of Unripe Mango-shredded, 5 Shallots-sliced
  • 3 Red Chilies-sliced, Juice of ½ a Lemon, Salt
  • 1 tsp Sugar, 1 tsp roasted Shrimp paste (optional)
  • enough ground Pepper

  • Roughly grind the chilies. Combine ground chilies with mango, shrimp paste, shallots & lemon juice.
  • Season with enough salt & pepper. Stir well. Serve as condiment for Laksa Noodle Soup, Aromatic Yellow Fried Chicken or fried/grilled fish.

Laksa Mie (Laksa Noodle Soup)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • ½ Ayam, 250 gr Udang kupas, 1 Jeruk nipis, Minyak
  • 3 Telur rebus-belah 2, 1 Tahu-iris & gorengGaram
  • 50 gr Daun kesum & Bunga kecombrang (opsional)-iris 
  • 750 ml Santan, 150 gr Toge-seduh dengan air panas
  • 1 Sereh+2 cm Laos+2 cm Jahe-geprek, Daun kemangi
  • 2 Daun salam, 6 Daun jeruk, 1 st Bumbu kari bubuk
  • 1 lt Kaldu ayam/udang, Mie telur-rebus, Bawang goreng
  • 7 Bawang merah, 3 Bawang putih, 1 st Ebi, 1 st Gula
  • 2 sm Kelapa parut & 4 Kemiri-sangrai, 1½ st Ketumbar
  • 4 Cabai kering-seduh di air panas, 2 cm Kunyit

Cara membuat
  • Rebus ayam di air mendidih selama 3 menit untuk melepaskan kotorannya yang amis. Angkat & buang airnya. Didihkan air baru untuk merebus. Masukkan ayam & rebus hingga matang. Angkat ayam, tiriskan lalu suwir2/iris2 dagingnya, sisihkan.
  • Tumis bumbu halus, sereh, lengkuas, jahe, daun jeruk & salam hingga wangi. Masukkan kaldu & bumbu kari, masak hingga mendidih & rasa menyatu. Sementara itu, lumuri udang dengan sedikit air jeruk nipis, diamkan beberapa saat lalu sisihkan.
  • Masukkan tahu, ayam & santan ke kaldu. Didihkan sambil sesekali diaduk agar santan tak pecah. Beri udang, daun kesum & kecombrang, masak hingga udang matang saja. Angkat.
  • Susun mie, toge & telur rebus di mangkuk2 saji. Tuang Laksa & kucuri air jeruk nipis secukupnya. Beri daun kemangi & taburi bawang goreng. Hidangkan bersama Sambal Mangga atau Sambal Sereh (klik pada link untuk resep2nya). Untuk 4-5 Porsi.

  • 750 ml Coconut milk, ½ Chicken, 250 gr peeled Shrimps
  • 3 boiled Eggs-halved, 1 Tofu-sliced & fried, frying Oil
  • 2 Bay leaves, 6 Kaffir lime leaves, Lemon basil leaves
  • 50 gr Laksa leaves & Torch ginger bud (optional)-sliced
  • 1 Lemongrass+2 cm Galangal+2 cm Ginger-bruised, Salt
  • 1 lt Chicken/Shrimp broth, Egg noodle-boiled & drain
  • 150 gr Bean sprouts, 1 Lime, 1 tsp Curry powder
  • Fried onion-sprinkle
   Grind into a paste:
  • 1 tsp Sugar, 3 Garlic, 2 cm Turmeric, 1 tsp dried Shrimp
  • 7 Shallots, 4 Candlenuts & 2 tbsp grated Coconut-toasted
  • 1½ tsp Coriander, 4 dried Chilies-soaked in warm water

  • Cook chicken in boiling water for 3 minutes. Take the chicken out & discard the water. Cook chicken in new boiling water until it's tender. Remove chicken & drain; slice or shredded the meat & then set it aside. Meanwhile, soak bean sprout in hot water for a while: drain & set it aside
  • Sauté spices paste, lemongrass, galangal, ginger, kaffir lime & bay leaves until fragrant. Put in the broth & curry powder; cook until it's boiling & the flavor blended. Meanwhile, rub shrimps with some lime juice & let it stand for few minutes.
  • Add in the tofu, chicken & coconut milk. Bring it to a boil; stir soup occasionally. Put in the torch ginger, shrimps & Vietnamese cilantro (laksa) leaves. Stir until the shrimp are cooked & then remove it from the heat.
  • Place the noodle, bean sprouts & boiled eggs in serving bowls. Pour in the soup & then sprinkle some lime juice over. Add in enough basil lime leaves & fried onion. Serve the soup with Spicy Mango Relish or Lemongrass Chili Paste (click on the links for the recipe). For 4-5 persons.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Balado Terong Isi (Indonesian Spicy Stuffed Eggplant)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 Terong besar, 150 gr Daging cincang, ½ st Gula
  • 1 Daun bawang & 1 Seledri-iris halus, Minyak
  • 1 Telur-kocok, ½ st Kaldu bubuk, ¼ st Pala bubuk
  • 1½ st Garam, 1 Jeruk limau, ½ st Lada bubuk
  • 3 Bawang merah & 1 Bawang putih-cincang
Balado: *
  • 4 Bawang merah-iris halus, ½ Tomat-iris2, Garam
  • 1 Bawang putih+3 Kemiri-haluskan, 3 Daun jeruk
  • 4 Cabai merah+½ Tomat-haluskan, ½ st Gula
  • 1 cm Lengkuas-geprek

Cara membuat
  • Belah terong memanjang jadi 2. Keruk & buang bagian tengahnya. Bakar terong di wajan/pan (tanpa minyak) sampai mulai layu, sisihkan.
  • Tumis bawang2 cincang. Mskkan daging, tumis hingga berubah warna. Angkat, aduk rata dng bumbu2, daun bawang & seledri. Masukkan adonan isi ke bagian tengah terong yg sdh dikeruk lalu padatkan isinya. Celup terong ke telur lalu goreng sampai matang.
  • Balado: Panaskan minyak dng api besar. Tumis dn jeruk, lengkuas, bumbu halus, bawang & tomat iris hingga wangi. Kclkan api, bumbui dng garam & gula.
  • Masukkan terong, aduk sampai tersaput sambal dng rata. Masak hingga mulai mengering. Kucuri dng air jeruk limau. Angkat.
  • * Dapat juga balado yang digunakan terbuat dari cabai hijau & tomat hijau. Rasanya lebih segar.

  • 1 big Eggplant, 150 gr ground Meat, 1 Egg-beat
  • 1 Green onion-sliced, ½ tsp ground Pepper, Oil
  • ½ tsp Sugar, 3 Shallots & 1 Garlic clove-chopped
  • 1 Kaffir lime, ½ tsp Broth powder, 1½ tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp ground Nutmeg, 1 stalk Celery leaves-sliced
Spicy relish ingredients: *
  • 4 Shallots & ½ Tomato-thinly sliced, ½ tsp Sugar
  • 4 Chilies+½ Tomato+1 Garlic clove+3 Candlenuts-grind
  • 1 cm Galangal-bruised, 3 Kaffir lime leaves, Salt

  • Halve the eggplant length-ways. Scoop out the inside center part of each halved eggplant to form it like a bowl. Roast/toast the eggplant (without oil) until it starts to wilt; set aside.
  • Sauté chopped shallots & garlic. Stir in the meat until the color change. Remove from the heat & mix it with other spices, green onion & celery leaves. Fill the meat into the eggplant center & then press it to compact. Dip eggplant in beaten egg & then fry until it cooked.
  • Spicy relish: Heat some oil over high heat. Sauté the ground spices, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, sliced shallots & tomato until fragrant. Reduce the heat to low; season with sugar & enough salt.
  • Put in filled eggplant; stir to cover it evenly with the spicy relish. Cook just until the spicy relish start to dries. Drizzle kaffir lime juice on top; remove from the heat.
  • * You could also make the balado from big green chilies & green tomato. The taste will be more refreshing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Cannelloni Isi Panggang (Baked Stuffed Cannelloni)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 250 gr Cannelloni, 40 gr Keju parmesan parut
  • 15 Tomat cherry, Daun basil-hiasan
  • 1 Keju mozzarella-iris2
   Saus béchamel:
  • 500 ml Susu, 200 ml Krim, 60 gr Keju parut
  • 30 gr Terigu, 60 gr Mentega, 1 Daun salam
  • 2 sm pasta Tomat, sejumput Pala bubuk
  • Garam & Lada bubuk secukupnya
  • 600 gr Daging cincang sapi & babi*, 50 gr Keju parut
  • 200 gr Bayam cincang beku, 2 sm Olive oil/Minyak
  • 100 gr Jamur champignon-iris, 1 st Cabai bubuk
  • 60 gr Bawang merah/bombay-cincang, Lada bubuk
  • 2 sm pasta Tomat, 1 st Daun sage/basil kering
  • 2 Telur-kocok, 2 Bawang putih-cincang, Garam
  • 125 ml Wine putih *, sejumput Pala bubuk

Cara membuat
  • Gunakan pasta Cannelloni yang tak perlu dimasak terlebih dahulu sebelumnya. Panaskan oven 180 °C. Keluarkan bayam & biarkan mencapai suhu ruang. Peras untuk mengeringkannya, sisihkan.
  • Isi: Panaskan minyak di wajan besar dengan api sedang. Tumis jamur & bawang2 sampai layu. Beri daging, sage, cabai bubuk, pala, garam & lada. Masak & aduk hingga daging berubah warna. Aduk masuk tomat pasta, masak sampai daging kecokelatan. Tuangi wine, masak sampai cairan wine menguap. Cicipi rasa, tambah bumbu bila perlu. Angkat dari api, masukkan bayam, telur & keju parut, aduk rata & sisihkan.
  • Saus béchamel: Lelehkan mentega di pan dng api sedang. Taburi terigu, aduk & masak 1 menit hingga halus tak bergerindil. Secara bertahap beri susu, krim, salam, pala & lada sambil diaduk rata dengan whisk. Masak hingga saus mulai mengental. Kecilkan api lalu beri tomat pasta. Masak sambil di aduk sesekali selama 5 menit. Buang daun salam. Tambahkan keju parut & garam secukupnya. Masak hingga keju leleh. Cicipi rasa lalu angkat dari api.
  • Isikan daging dalam cannelloni dengan rapi. Susun cannelloni di loyang besar hanya selapis, susun sisanya di sisi sambungan bawahnya sehingga terbentuk jadi 2 baris secara memanjang. Tuang & ratakan saus di atas cannelloni. Tutup dng aluminium foil & letakkan loyang di rak tengah oven. Panggang 40 menit. Buka aluminium foil, beri irisan Mozzarella & tomat cherry di beberapa tempat lalu taburi parmesan parut di atasnya. Panggang lagi 5-10 menit sampai cokelat kekuningan. Keluarkan dari oven & diamkan selama 10 menit sebelum dihidangkan. Hias dengan daun basil.
  • * Daging babi dapat diganti dengan ayam giling untuk versi halalnya. Wine juga tak harus digunakan bila tidak dikehendaki.

  • 250 gr no pre-cooking Cannelloni tubes
  • 1 Mozzarella-sliced, 15 Cherry tomatoes
  • 40 gr grated Parmesan, Basil leaves-garnish
   Béchamel sauce:
  • 500 ml Milk, 60 gr grated Cheese, 1 Bay leaf
  • 2 tbsp Tomato paste, pinch of ground Nutmeg
  • 30 gr Flour, 60 gr Butter, 200 ml Cream
  • enough Salt & ground Pepper
  • 600 gr ground Beef & Pork *2 Eggs-beaten
  • 60 gr Shallots/Onion-choppedground Pepper
  • 1 tsp Cayenne pepper, 1 tsp dried Sage/Basil
  • 50 gr grated Cheese, 2 Garlic cloves-minced
  • 125 ml White wine, a pinch of ground Nutmeg
  • 100 gr Champignon-sliced, 2 tbsp Olive oil/Oil
  • 2 tbsp Tomato paste, enough Salt
  • 200 gr frozen chopped Spinach

  • Preheat oven at 350 °F (180 °C). Thaw & squeeze the spinach to drain; set it aside.
  • Stuffing: Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Put in champignon, garlic & onion; cook until the onion wilts. Add in ground meat, sage, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, salt & pepper. Cook & stir until the meat color has change. Stir in tomato paste; cook until the meat is evenly browned & crumbly. Pour in white wine; cook until the wine is evaporated. Taste to check the seasoning. Remove from the heat. Stir in spinach, egg & grated cheese. Combine it well & set it aside.
  • Béchamel sauce: Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in flour & cook for 1 minute. Gradually whisk in milk, cream, bay leaf, nutmeg & pepper. Slowly bring it up to simmering point until the sauce starts to thicken. Turn the heat down to its lowest setting & add in tomato paste. Let the sauce simmer for ~ 5 minutes; stir sauce occasionally. Discard bay leaf. Add in grated cheese & salt; stir until the cheese melts. Taste to check the seasoning. Remove from the heat.
  • Fill cannelloni with the meat neatly. Arrange them in single layer on a baking dish with the join underneath (what you should have is 2 rows neatly fitting together length-ways in the dish). Pour & spread the sauce over the cannelloni. Cover dish with aluminium foil & then place the dish on the center shelf of the oven. Bake it for 40 minutes. Open up the foil; scatter Mozzarella slices & cherry tomatoes here & there. Sprinkle with grated parmesan on top. Bake again un-cover for 5-10 minutes (until golden brown). Remove from the oven and let it settle for about 10 minutes before serving. Garnish with basil leaves.
  • * You could substitute pork with ground chicken for a Halal version or if you don’t eat pork. You could also just exclude the wine if you want.

Ayam Pentul (Chicken Lollipop)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 1 kg Sayap ayam, 1 st Air jeruk nipis, Minyak
  • ½ st Jahe bubuk, 1 st Bawang putih bubuk
  • 1 st Ketumbar bubuk, 1 st Saus soya
  • 1 st Garam, ½ st Lada bubuk
  • 1 st Paprika/Cabai bubuk (opsional)
   Bahan pelapis:
  • ¼ st Lada bubuk, ¼ st Bawang putih bubuk
  • 1 Telur-kocok, 35 gr Terigu, 4 sm Maizena
  • ½ st Garam, Air dingin & Panko/Panir secukupnya

Cara membuat
  • Potong sayap menjadi 2 bagian di persendiannya, buang ujung sayapnya. Untuk sayap bawah yg bertulang 2, kerat kulit & keluarkan tulang yg lebih kecil. Kerat daging yg melekat di sekitar ujung tulang bagian bawah pada kedua jenis sayap untuk memudahkan prosedur penyerutan daging. Perlahan serut daging ke arah atas, lalu gulung ke arah luar ujung atas tulang sehingga daging mengumpul & membentuk spt permen loli.
  • Campur semua bahan (kecuali minyak). Balur & remas2 ayam perlahan dengan campuran tsb lalu simpan tertutup di kulkas minimal 1 jam-semalaman.
  • Pelapis: Campur terigu, maizena, garam, lada & bawang putih bubuk dng rata. Tambahkan telur & air secukupnya hingga menjadi adonan agak kental (spt adonan utk pancake). Celup ayam di adonan satu persatu lalu lapisi dng panko/panir dng rata.
  • Panaskan minyak yg banyak utk menggoreng ayam hingga terendam dng panas sedang tinggi. Goreng ayam sampai matang (8-10 mnt). Angkat ayam dari wajan & keringkan di kertas penyerap minyak. Utk ± 20 buah

  • 1 kg Chicken wings, 1 tsp Garlic powder
  • ½ tsp ground Pepper, 1 tsp Soy sauce
  • 1 tsp ground Coriander, 1 tsp Salt, Oil
  • ½ tsp Ginger powder, 1 tsp Lime juice
  • 1 tsp Paprika/Chili powder (optional)
   Coating ingredients:
  • ¼ tsp ground Pepper, ¼ tsp Garlic powder
  • 35 gr Flour, 4 tbsp Cornstarch, ½ tsp Salt
  • 1 Egg-beat, Cold water as required
  • Panko/Bread crumbs as required

  • Divide the wings into 2 parts by slicing through the joints; discard the wingtip. For the part with two bones: Make a slit on the skin & detach the smaller bone before starting to cut & sliding the meat. For both parts: Slide a knife around the lower tip of bone where the flesh is connected. Gently push the flesh upward. Invert the inner part of flesh in the direction of the upper tip of bone to form a lollipop shape.
  • Mix all ingredients (except of the oil) well. Rub & gently squeeze chicken with the mixture. Cover & refrigerate the chicken for min. 1 hour until over night.
  • Coating: Combine the flour, cornstarch, salt, pepper & garlic pwd. Stir in the egg & enough water to make a semi thick batter (similar like pancake batter). Dip chicken one by one into the batter & then coat them evenly with enough panko/breadcrumbs.
  • Deep fry chicken in hot oil over medium-high heat until the chicken is cooked (8-10 min). Remove from the heat & drain on paper towels. For ~ 20 pieces.

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