- 120 gr Tepung hunkwe/Maizena, 150 gr Gula, ½ st Garam
- 100 gr Sagu mutiara, 1½ liter Air, 2 Pandan, ½ st Vanili
- 500 ml Santan kental, Ekstrak pandan/rosen/Pewarna (opsional)
Cara membuat
- Didihkan 1.3 liter air di panci. Masukkan mutiara, masak tertutup sampai matang (berwarna transparan). Angkat, tiriskan lalu siram dng air matang dingin untuk menghentikan proses memasak. Sisihkan. Bila mutiara yang digunakan berwarna putih & anda hendak memberi warna lain, masak mutiara terpisah utk tiap warna. Masukkan pewarna selagi mendidihkan air.
- Campur tepung dengan 200 ml air, sisihkan. Didihkan santan dng pandan, garam, vanili & gula di api sedang sambil diaduk2 (bila hendak membuat dng warna/rasa lain, masukkan pewarna/ekstrak di tahap ini). Setelah mendidih buang pandan & kecilkan api. Perlahan2 tuang larutan tepung sambil terus diaduk searah. Masak hingga adonan meletup2 & mulai mengental. Matikan api, masukkan mutiara, aduk rata. Adonan harus dicetak secepat mungkin karena cepat mengental.
- Masukkan adonan ke cetakan & rapikan permukaannya atau letakkan ± 2 sm adonan di atas plastik OPP, kmd bungkus dengan rapi. Biarkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang sebelum disajikan.
- 120 gr Mung bean flour/Corn starch, 2 Pandan leaves
- 100 gr Tapioca pearl, 500 ml thick Coconut milk
- ½ tsp Vanilla, 150 gr Sugar, ½ tsp Salt, 1½ litre Water
- Food coloring or Pandan/Banana/Rose extract (optional)
- In a pot, boil 1.3 litre of Water. After it boiled, add in tapioca pearl. Put on the lid & cook pearls until it’s cooked (became translucent, no more hard solid part in the center). Remove from the heat, strain the pearl & then rinse it with cold water to stop the cooking process. Set it aside. If you are using only white pearls & want to have other colours, divide pearls into 2 or 3 equal amounts & cook pearls separately. Put food colouring when you boil the water.
- Mix starch with 200 ml of water; set it aside. Boil coconut milk with pandan, salt, sugar & vanilla over medium heat; stirring it often. (if you wish to make the pudding with different colour/favour, you should put also the extract/colouring on this step). After it’s boiling, discard pandan leaves & reduce the heat to low. Gently pour in starch mixture, while you keep on stirring it in one direction. Cook & keep stirring until bubbles appeared on the surface & it starts to thicken. Turn off the heat; add in the pearls & stir just until it combined well. Then you should put it straight on into the moulds because it will quickly set & becomes clumpy.
- Divide mixture among several moulds; smoothing the tops. Or place ~ 2 tbsp of the mixture on a thick plastic sheets & then wrap it neatly. Let it stand to cool down to room temperature before serving it.