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Monday, February 10, 2014

Martabak Manis (Indonesian Sweet Thick Pancake)

In Indonesian & English

  • 250 gr Terigu protein rendah, ½ st Vanili, 2 Telur
  • 30 gr Gula+ekstra utk taburan, ½ st Baking soda
  • 350 ml Susu/Air hangat (± 37° C), ½ st Garam
  • ½ bungkus Ragi instan (3½ gr)1 st Baking powder
  • Mentega secukupnya untuk olesan
Isi-kombinasi dari:
  • Kacang sangrai tumbuk kasar/selai kacang+Muisjes/Coklat chip/-serut/-pasta/nutella+Susu kental manis+Biji wijen putih sangrai
  • Keju parut+Susu kental manis+Biji wijen putih sangrai
  • Isian lain, tergantung selera anda

Cara membuat
  • Campur terigu dng 15 gr gula & baking powder. Beri susu/air, aduk hanya sampai terigu menyatu. Kocok dng mixer kec. tinggi sampai adonan halus & kental (8-10 mnt). Mskkan ragi, aduk rata. Tutup mangkuk dng lap lembab & diamkan sampai adonan naik & terbtk gelembung2 kecil di permukaan adonan (30-60 mnt).
  • Kocok telur dng 15 gr gula, baking soda, vanili & garam. Tuang campuran telur ke dlm adonan, aduk sebentar saja sampai adonan menyatu. Tutup lagi mangkuk & diamkan selama 10 mnt (sampai gelembung2 yg terbentuk lebih banyak).
  • Panaskan pan datar tebal ukuran 24 cm (pan datar dari besi lebih baik) dng api sedang. Tuang 1 sendok sayur besar adonan ke dlm pan. Putar pan agar adonan menutupi sisi bawah pan seluruhnya dng rata. Tuang lagi adonan ke pan (gunakan hingga ½ bagian dari adonan tsb). Tekan2 adonan dng punggung sendok ke arah sisi tepi pan agar terbentuk pinggiran yg crispy nantinya. Kecilkan api ke rendah-sedang & masak hingga terbentuk banyak gelembung2 kecil di permukaan adonan (5-8 mnt). Kecilkan api ke rendah, taburi permukaan adonan dng gula secukupnya lalu tutup pan. Masak selama 10-15 menit lagi.
  • Letakkan martabak di permukaan kerja. Langsung olesi martabak dng mentega lalu taburi gula. Tabur/oles bahan isian dng rata di permukaan martabak sesuai selera. Pecahkan/potong bagian ujung atas & bawah tengah saja dari martabak tsb dng pisau lalu tangkupkan salah satu sisinya ke sisi yang lain. Ulasi permukaan martabak dng mentega, potong & hidangkan. Ulangi prosedur tsb utk sisa adonan (akan didptkan 2 martabak dari resep ini).


  • 250 gr medium protein Flour, ½ tsp Vanilla extract
  • 30 gr Sugar+extra for sprinkle, ½ tsp Salt
  • 350 ml warm Milk/Water (~37°C), 2 Eggs
  • ½ pack Instant yeast (3½ gr), ½ tsp Baking soda
  • 1 tsp Baking powder, enough Butter for spreading
Toppings-combination of:
  • coarsely grind toasted Peanuts/peanut butter+Chocolate rice/-chips/-paste/nutella/shaved chocolate+Sweet condensed milk+toasted white Sesame seeds
  • enough grated Cheddar cheese+Sweet condensed milk+toasted white Sesame seeds
  • Other kind of toppings

  • Combine the flour with 15 gr of sugar & baking powder. Add in the milk, whisk just until the flour incorporated. Beat the mixture with an electric mixer on high speed until the batter smooth & thickens (8-10 min). Whisk in the yeast. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth/towel & let it rest until the batter rose up & some small bubbles formed on the batter surface (30-60 min).
  • Whisk the eggs with 15 gr of sugar, baking soda, vanilla extract & salt. Pour the eggs mixture into the batter, whisk for a while just until it`s blended. Cover the bowl again & let it rest for another 10 min (until more of the small bubbles formed).
  • Heat a 24 cm (9½ inch) flat thick bottom pan (flat cast iron will be the best) over medium heat. Ladle the batter into the pan; swirl the pan so the batter covers the base completely. Pour more batter (use until ½ of the batter amount) into the pan & then press batter with the ladle back side around the pan edges to create crispy edges later on. Reduce the heat to low-medium; cook until plenty of bubbles appeared on the surface (5-8 min). Reduce the heat to low; sprinkle some sugar & then put on the pan lid. Cook for another 10-15 min.
  • Transfer the pancake to a flat surface; generously spread some butter on the pancake surface right away. Sprinkle some more sugar. Sprinkle/spread the filling all over the pancake surface evenly. Using a knife, break one point at the pancake middle upper edge & break also at the middle lower edge. Flip over one side of the pancake to cover the other side. Spread more butter on the surface; slice & serve. Do the same procedure with the rest of the batter (you`ll get 2 thick pancakes from this recipe).

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